Klara Smetanova / Clara / Eleni / Juliana / Klara S / Madison / Pani Veronika / Ulrika / Zoe / Zoe Shaw / Zooey


Prince of the Rotten Milk
Re: Klara Smetanova

I just saw the recent postings of Klara on FreeOnes. Is it me, or do these shots from Glam DeLuxe make her look like she's on something? Also, is there anyone out there who can translate the Hebrew tatoo on her right foot?
Re: Klara Smetanova

I just saw the recent postings of Klara on FreeOnes. Is it me, or do these shots from Glam DeLuxe make her look like she's on something? Also, is there anyone out there who can translate the Hebrew tatoo on her right foot?

I think it says "Fuck you if you think I look like I'm on something." :D