Kitana Baker


Closed Account!
Kitana Jade has a website under her other name, Cherie Roberts. I haven't seen anything new from her in a loooooong time. I think she is pretty strict about letting anything get out for free, even for advertising. I believe Kitana Baker was up for Brook Burkes job on WildOn, but someone else got it..I think that was the name of the show, it was on after Howard Stern. I think she is wanting to do something more proffessional, so she will probably not do nudes anymore...just a guess



Tig Ol' Bitty Expert
Re: NICE.... Latina Cowgirl

Haven't much from her since that last Miller Lite Commercial with Pam Anderson

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Tig Ol' Bitty Expert
Re: NICE.... Latina Cowgirl

I've already search and its hard to find new stuff on her, and besides she's not even black