Sometimes I know who started a thread before I read the OP's name. This is one of those times
Believe it or not there are finer girls out there than Kim Kardashian. Quite a few come to mind
"Oohoohoh shit. I got you good, you fucker!" (Farva from 'Super Troopers')
Those were my exact emotions in order when I clicked your link.
Every other woman on the planet includes Margaret Thatcher right? I have to go with that. She's a gorgeous piece of meat...
Also, STDiva was the first one I saw posting links to lemonparty. I blatantly stole the idea from him. :bowdown::bowdown::bowdown:
Every other woman on the planet includes Margaret Thatcher right? I have to go with that. She's a gorgeous piece of meat...
Also, STDiva was the first one I saw posting links to lemonparty. I blatantly stole the idea from him. :bowdown::bowdown::bowdown:
Others... Kim is hot, but not that hot...