Keisha Grey

She's quit the drugs and not drugged out at all. Has stated multiple times on her twitter that she doesn't mess with that stuff any more.

Well looking at five years in prison will do that and of course all girls tell the truth on Twitter. Lolz. I'm obviously not saying she hasn't but with a trial coming up I sure doubt she's gonna to admit still loving the bud. All said it is just weed and her charges are fn insane but to believe it just cause she said it on Twitter is a bit naive. I hear some girls say they do it because they've always wanted to be on a 12 man gang bang and not the money too but I only believe it if they say it on social media. You do realize they say what they think you want to hear 80% of the time. Take everything you think you know and maybe 20% is actual fact. Hopefully I'm not bursting to much of a bubble here but bud..3/4 of the industry smoke weed and rarely hide that fact. Getting busted is a good reason to but saying you quit is a much easier task....just saying man... Lolzy stuff though none the less...take care...and if you ever need some quick cash I know some great ponzie schemes i can hook you up with .......hahaha
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Jada Stevens, Keisha Grey – Surprising Jada