Lord Dipstick
My favorite set. :nanner:
Umm... I have NOT shot any new sets yet!!!
Umm what? lol
I think it would be best to join when she makes an announcement on new sets. Otherwise you will be paying for old content.
Her webmaster is a joke. This is exactly how the site was run before she left the first time. Always promised to post new stuff and it either never happened or he only put up just enough to keep people quiet for a week. There is no doubt in my mind it is 100% his fault if they arent going to shoot now because it took him 2 months to do nothing and just piss her off again. That tribute video explains everything about this guy. He probably put in 2 weeks of "work" for that stupid video of old crap when he really could have just taken new pictures of katie. What a waste you douche.