Katalina Verdin / Verdun


very hot woman, but also a very old pic set.


iluvbgtits said:
You don't see her that active for new stuff anymore I believe....but here is a link with a lot of pics...


nice link there, some pics I've never seen before, :thumbsup: :glugglug:
she is very pretty and hot

i´m sad because she never become a porn star
is a shame

but i love her

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Re: Katalina Verdin

I think if Katalina Verdin wanted to, she could comptete very well with alot of "TOP PORN STARS". She is almost perfect. "Absolutly Georgeous".Although she has very few pictures, she will be missing out if she dosn't do anymore. My opinion, she could be Possibly at the top. There aren't to many women whether theyv'e done alot of porn or not, who I would consider to be at the top, or near the top. Alot of "Fine Women", but not, at the top, to me.
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