A long shot this, but some time ago, when MySpace was a popular social media platform, I was MySpace friends with Karlie and we used to exchange messages quite regularly (she's an incredibly friendly girl BTW).
During one such exchange, after I'd asked her how her weekend had been, she told me that she'd been booked for an MMF scene, only to find that when she turned up there was a huge group of blokes waiting and that she'd was expected to film a gangbang.
Having never done such a scene before, and being unwilling to allow so many eager chaps a crack at her delightful bod, she made her excuses and left. However, someone called her back and, after a bit of negotiation in which she was made an offer she couldn't refuse, she relented and went ahead.
Now, in all my years of Karlie-watching I have never come across this scene anywhere, not even a mention of it, and if I recall correctly Karlie had the impression that the entire thing might have been just a set-up for a stag/bachelor/buck's party.
What I'd like to ask is, has anyone else ever heard of this scene, or better still, seen it?