Somebody please wake me up if this woman decides to do something other than change clothes 4 times a day.
might be a very very long sleep!
Somebody please wake me up if this woman decides to do something other than change clothes 4 times a day.
Somebody please wake me up if this woman decides to do something other than change clothes 4 times a day.
More show of absolutely NOTHING!!!
Stinky, STFU. You don't like it, go spank it to someone else. :thefinger
And I continue to do so. (Spank it to someone else)
That's why me and many others will NEVER become a member of her "just as good as free content" site. I should never say "never" because I joined her site once......and cancelled the same day. For those who wonder about her "member" access, DO NOT join her site. You WILL be dissapointed. Everything you see here on FreeOnes is the same thing as if you paid nearly $30/month.
I just occasionally check her "show nothing" thread just hoping that one day, someday, she would. So, still.....No show, no dough, from many of us.