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Hey guys. I have been a fan of Kari Sweets for many years, and Im thinking in subscribing to her page for downloading some stuff. Could somebody do a list of all the ultimate collection sets where I could find nipples? Thanks!!
Hey guys. I have been a fan of Kari sweets for many years, and Im thinking in subscribing to her page for downloading some stuff. Could somebody do a list of all the ultimate collection sets where I could find nipples? Thanks!!

Kari nipples are in short supply. In the sets the only good shot I can think of is 1 picture in touchdown tease. Most of the nip slips are in the vids but they mostly suck. The best one so far is the green bikini vid followed by karinator 2. If we could get some more vids like these released I'd resubscribe in a second.
Thanks Monkey. But really,are there only this 2 nips? I thougth there would be more content. If its like this, I dont know, but it doen´t worth to subscribe. IS there some way to find this content for free somewhere? (forgive my bag english by the way)
As far as video go I think getting dressed, webcam no, or a webcam video her and Felix did called streaming webcam should be remastered
Wish they would post something good so I could subscribe, another month of the waiting game for the next update.It's almost like they don't want my money.
I’ve been a huge Kari Sweets fan for as long as I can remember and I still am but these updates are really really slow and some of them are just straight not worth it. I bet you Kari has some golden sets and they’re either being stinjy with them or they just haven’t found them.Id be more than happy to help if they would let me.

Nearly EVERY set has complete wins in it, but that stuff cannot be published because Kari never agreed to full nudity and lawsuits could result... thereby meaning that all these "uncensored" releases are just LESS censored and we will never see total wins. There's no way in all this risqué content that full nudity doesn't exist. GG >> unsubscribe.

In the black bodysuit set where she has the pantyhose on under it, she takes the bodysuit off and then they just photoshopped skin tone over the crotch, no effort to conceal the bad photoshopping. Her poses put her vagina right in the camera, and they just photoshopped it away. I doubt we'd ever get that set unedited, because it's the thing that everyone actually wants.