well judging by her outbursts on Twitter in the past few days, I think it's fair to say Kags is still high as a kite and probably not returning any time soon.....

such a shame she's not kicked the addiction yet, but I guess without anyone supporting her, who can blame her in this industry
Her health is the most imoportant thing right now. If she wont come back because of that, I am fine with it. She brought me enough already, better focus on her health.....
every time I see any interview/article about Kagney and her downward spiral, it makes me wonder what happened in her childhood that's affected how she's growing up and her life now - I know most pornstars have a history of some kind of childhood trauma which they "conquer" by entering porn, but when you end up in a situation like Kagney finds herself, addicted to intoxicants (whatever they may be) and the industry as a whole not providing the right help, I feel sorry for both Kagney and anyone else who may find themselves in such an unfortunate place in their lives :(
So she is back after all? Too bad that such type of movies are too much for me. NEXT!
did you saw her in the trailer ?? she might be credited just as a secondary role or this is an old revived scene...

unfortunately, I didn't heard anywhere that she came out of meth...