Just got out the county jail

lmao what are yall talking about?? why would I want congrats?? for what??

I guess since I'm not Roald or skyraider yall feel da need 2 attack me. lol I didn't even start the fight!!

yall act like you wouldn't be telling ur fellow freeones members u just got out or W/E...

In just reading through his post that is highly unlikely, even his own attorney felt he was going to get 3 years. The situation you described sounds more like a case of self-defense. The only reason he didn't get serious time is because they couldn't prove he used the brick, that is very telling in my opinion.

Also in the tone of his posts, it doesn't sound like a guy that got jumped from behind, it sounds like a guy looking for trouble.

where am I bragging? county is boring and awful. I'm a felon now..... not what I wanted. wtf would I be happy about other than not going to prison???

I explained dat I am out and how. simple as that. don't see how I'm bragging.

I'm glad to be out. I was nervous alot unsure if I'll even be free this decade.

I'm glad I'm out and yall wanna bring me down.
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Well now that you have your freedom, hopefully you will make every effort to avoid being in this situation again. I'm just curious what made you reach for a brick.
lmao what are yall talking about?? why would I want congrats?? for what??

I guess since I'm not Roald or skyraider yall feel da need 2 attack me. lol I didn't even start the fight!!

yall act like you wouldn't be telling ur fellow freeones members u just got out or W/E...

Anyone who's been to their county can tell you it's a trying experience, even for minor time. I've had "weekend lockdown" for a few minor things (alcohol related, or course) and the weekend lockdown at the old Anex was the fucking pitts. 72 hours in a 6x9 cell (sometimes with a celly who is shitting next to your noggin) can make you go a little dingy, even at that rate. That was a long time ago, since the last d-dub when I lost about $12,000 that night. Fuck that sucked. I haven't been back since. You should learn your lesson and sign up for Pell Grants and get into school...do something possitive if god forbid you ever find yourself before Judge Judy again. They like that sort of shit; productive contributors to society. Don't be a societal burden.
Well now that you have your freedom, hopefully you will make every effort to avoid being in this situation again. I'm just curious what made you reach for a brick.

we had problems since HS. he had a kid with my cousin which drew more anger. he beat her. I went over. he was with a friend. after yelling, he swung... we threw hands and the friend broke it up. I went to gtfo, he ran @ me, I panicked thinking he had a weapon... I pickled up a brick, turned around, over.

smh @ me having to explain myself. I don't like woman beaters, he's a bitch. I regret getting a case on me, but I defend my family.
tbh though we were destined to fight, this was just da icing.
I'm out. He's a thing in the past. I won't violate probation.

Anyone who's been to their county can tell you it's a trying experience, even for minor time. I've had "weekend lockdown" for a few minor things (alcohol related, or course) and the weekend lockdown at the old Anex was the fucking pitts. 72 hours in a 6x9 cell (sometimes with a celly who is shitting next to your noggin) can make you go a little dingy, even at that rate. That was a long time ago, since the last d-dub when I lost about $12,000 that night. Fuck that sucked. I haven't been back since. You should learn your lesson and sign up for Pell Grants and get into school...do something possitive if god forbid you ever find yourself before Judge Judy again. They like that sort of shit; productive contributors to society. Don't be a societal burden.

yeah it was like that @ first then I became "one of them" and went on da court, rec, pod, etc just like the others. my first cellmate was sentenced to 8 years in prison. he was sent to DOC 11 days after I got in.
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