John Rambo Lives on

the scene in the trailer when he shoots that guy in the jeep was awesome. and for a 60 something yr. old guy he looks pretty friggin good.


Closed Account
I think it will be a hit looks like its going to be good. :)
I think it looks ultra violent and like it just might be a good send off for the second of Stallone's super-characters.

Oh, and WTF! Van Damme??? Don't spoil a Rambo movie with that twit.



knows petras secret: she farted.
before i view the triller, i guess my response is: alright. i expected it since he did that rocky thing, and bruce willis is doing that die hard thing. now if i can get sigourney to do another alien movie, ill be excited. i did like rambo, so maybe ill rent it.
when i saw the trailer i was like "looks decent..."

but when it came to the jeep scene i almost screamed "FUCK YEAH!"


Approved Content Owner
Approved Content Owner
Apparently, if this one does well there's going to be a 5th one :eek: . I liked Rambo, but I think enough is enough. Same with Terminator, Die hard, Robocop, and whatever esle...
It looks good, the trailer they released is graphic. They expect a NC-17 rating.

I think the stry would be better if he was doing something related to terrorism. I hope he still aint moping about VietNam.

i wouldnt mind seein it. i saw the trailer and i thought it looked pretty fuckin awesome. i liked seein all the bodies explodin. it looks crazy as hell