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Joe the plumber


Take a Hit, Spunker!
When I become old and lose my mind like McCain, do me a favor: kill me.
Yeah, I got tired of him keep talking about Joe.

Will E Worm

He doesn't exist. Politicians like to make up these stories to make it seem like they care about the middle class.
They don't care one bit. Don't waste your time.

Stay home and surf the net. :computer:
He doesn't exist. Politicians like to make up these stories to make it seem like they care about the middle class.
They don't care one bit. Don't waste your time.

Stay home and surf the net. :computer:

...and people who make entries on blogs are all ignorant losers who don't bother with facts because they can just shoot of their mouth (or keyboard) with impunity and without accountability... well except for you there Will E Worm...

Here are the facts: Joe Wurzelbacher in Holland, Ohio


Will E Worm

It doesn't matter if he exists or not.

These people are used by politicians to make them look better and like they actually care about the middle class.
Which they don't.
It doesn't matter if he exists or not.

These people are used by politicians to make them look better and like they actually care about the middle class.
Which they don't.

it doesn't matter if he was planted by the mccain group or not..more then likely he wasn't, but what does matter is that it did not really work for the mccainites....

obama biden 08
I just had an epiphany - or maybe it's just that every political analyst is braindead, cause I haven't heard anybody mention it and I've been watching all the talking heads

Why is Obama winning? Because, for all McCain's talk about how he's got a history of reaching across the aisle, there have been no moments in the debates or his talk about Obama where he gives credit where credit is due, while both Obama and Biden have many times gone overboard to give credit where credit is due - sometimes given credit to McCain where he doesn't deserve that much credit.

So in a year where people are looking at crises upon crises that the next president is going to have to deal with, who are they going to want - someone that talks about having a history of reaching across the aisle but acts like Grandpa Simpson with a bad case of hemorrhoids, grimacing and grinding his teeth every moment he's on screen and is such an opportunist that he finds the most brainless woman in a political office so he can control every word out of her mouth - or guys that are presenting themselves as being serious and confident and more than ready to give credit to their opponents no matter how hideous their opponents are acting at that moment - which pair is more likely to produce solutions to at least some of the crises presenting themselves and which pair is more likely to lead to gridlock that will make the LA freeway look like an Iowa cornfield?

Anyway, that's my epiphany of the night.
Still being somewhat new to the USA and not much of a political person, I tried to stay neutral throughout this whole campaign. But I ended up watching the last 2 presidential debates and the vice presidential debate and it's glaringly obvious that one side has a lot more credibility, respect, honesty and competence than the other side. It's also equally obvious that one side just lie their asses off, and even after being corrected, still spout the same bullshit like simple parrots. I don't care what party you have traditionally followed, but you'd really have to have your head up your ass to vote for the latter.
Still being somewhat new to the USA and not much of a political person, I tried to stay neutral throughout this whole campaign. But I ended up watching the last 2 presidential debates and the vice presidential debate and it's glaringly obvious that one side has a lot more credibility, respect, honesty and competence than the other side. It's also equally obvious that one side just lie their asses off, and even after being corrected, still spout the same bullshit like simple parrots. I don't care what party you have traditionally followed, but you'd really have to have your head up your ass to vote for the latter.

I think I know from other posts of yours who you are refering to as the side who lies and the side who speaks the truth more.You think its republicans who are the the right side of that,am I correct? That is just an example I think of how people can watch the same things and just them so differently.I think it is overwhelmingly clear who had all the factors of credibility,respect,honesty and most off all competence in their favor and that would be the Obama/Biden ticket.And all the focus groups and polls after the debates support that.If I have you wrong and you were actually saying it was Obama/Biden who was clearly more credible then I apologize for mis-reading your post.:dunno:
Anyone else think Joh McCain has a really unhealthy crush on this mysterious "Joe the plumber"

Yep I see the pattern here...anything McCain does is stupid, proof of alzheimer, old coot, racist, angry old man, lost, frail, about to kick the bucket.

Anything Obama does is out of this world, perfect, he is so good looking, well spoken, intelligent.

Conclusion: This is another kiss Obama's ass thread. :bowdown:


Closed Account
Fuck!!! 'Joe the Plimber' he means nothing.

AND this "hypothetical" plumbing business he is whining like a bitch about:thefinger.
Obama is only returning to the 38/39% tax rate for those people just as they had under the far more successful Clinton administration instead of the 35/36% rate paid now thanks to Bush tax cut to the wealthiest.

Obama is only going to return the 3% tax increase (of the Clinton Administration) of all "adjusted gross income' of over $250k. That's AFTER all business expenses & tax deductions & if Joe's adjusted gross income is still over $250k he is making serious paper:eek: & needs to stop whining like a bitch about his "hypothetical" business.

The GOP wants to continue decreasing taxes to the wealthiest in our society ,but spending staggering amounts on Defense(& unjustified Wars in Iraq/Iran). How the hell are they gonna pay for it if they keep giving the wealthiest/corporations tax breaks.:dunno:

That has been their philosophy since the days of Reagan when our multi trillion dollar debt began in earnest: Tax cuts to the wealthiest/corporations & spend as much on Defense as nearly the remainder of the world combined. No wonder with Bush's Defense spending & tax breaks to the wealthiest we are no $5 trillion more dollars in debt in oly 8 years.:eek:


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
...and people who make entries on blogs are all ignorant losers who don't bother with facts because they can just shoot of their mouth (or keyboard) with impunity and without accountability... well except for you there Will E Worm...

Here are the facts: Joe Wurzelbacher in Holland, Ohio


It's funny how they make this guy's story sound like he's going to be in the poor house if Obama wins and gets into office. But, if you look at the article, it actually makes him sound like a cry baby bitch...

Not only do 98 percent of small businesses make less than $250,000, but I also want to give them additional tax breaks, because they are the drivers of the economy," Obama said. "They produce the most jobs."

In Toledo on Sunday, Wurzelbacher told Obama that he was preparing the company, which earns more than $250,000 a year, and said: "Your new tax plan is going ot tax me more, isn't it?"

This guy is bitching about taxes, even though the company he works for is apparently a good one to work for. According to this article, "98 percent of small businesses make LESS than $250,000", but this guy's business makes MORE than $250,000. So, what the fuck is he bitching about and why is he being used as a blue collar example? That plumbing company is in the TOP 2% of small business, revenue wise, in the entire United States!!! That's a pretty good spot to be in, if you ask me.

I think McCain should pick a better example next time.


Closed Account
It's funny how they make this guy's story sound like he's going to be in the poor house if Obama wins and gets into office. But, if you look at the article, it actually makes him sound like a cry baby bitch...

This guy is bitching about taxes, even though the company he works for is apparently a good one to work for. According to this article, "98 percent of small businesses make LESS than $250,000", but this guy's business makes MORE than $250,000. So, what the fuck is he bitching about and why is he being used as a blue collar example? That plumbing company is in the TOP 2% of small business, revenue wise, in the entire United States!!! That's a pretty good spot to be in, if you ask me.

I think McCain should pick a better example next time.

Agreed. My 401k has been set back about 3-4 years in the past 3-4 four weeks(nearly 30k last time checked two weeks ago so it has gotten worse I know. I refuse to look again):eek: Now McCain is trying to make a sob story of a guy who has to have over a $250k "adjusted gross income" before he gets a paltry 3% tax increase.

A man who will make nearly $25k/month:dunno: & I'm supposed to be outraged over his 3% tax increase back to the Clinton rate. Give me a break.
Agreed. My 401k has been set back about 3-4 years in the past 3-4 four weeks(nearly 30k last time checked two weeks ago so it has gotten worse I know. I refuse to look again):eek: Now McCain is trying to make a sob story of a guy who has to have over a $250k "adjusted gross income" before he gets a paltry 3% tax increase.

A man who will make nearly $25k/month:dunno: & I'm supposed to be outraged over his 3% tax increase back to the Clinton rate. Give me a break.

I agree, he should have let sleeping dogs lie. But again it shows how out of touch McCain is. He made a point several times of poor Joe. Well there are a lot of people out there making a lot less than poor Joe, long hours at minimum wage. No matter how smart someone is or how hard they work, there is not necessarily a job making over $250,000 for them. Not making more money isn't a measure of someone's laziness.


Closed Account
i don't even really think thier was a true reason for this guy to be brought up. other then fact that both obama and john macain both talked too him should not have gone any farther then that alone. it was mostley another tangent for macain to use in order to avoid answers to all of the real issues they where both discussing last night.