Jennifer Love Hewitt

I think this is from an Oscar pre-party...major cleavage...Paroxysmia posted a few pictures above...but I think this is her sexiest look in awhile

anybody have a link to more?

Found some she should always dress up like this...
she looks amazing!!!!!!!
hopefully whenshe gets little older she will start to think about showing them


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member

You. Not good. Better resolution on those puppies! We aint running 640 by 480 in this bish!

You. Not bad. But not good because JLH wont show her tits for the freakin' LIFE OF HER! DAMN HER BEAUTIFUL CHEST! She has such a nice smile. A shame it doesnt come with a pair of BEAUTIFUL NAKED TITS!!

::negative reps JLH::