Jennifer Korbin


Lost at Birth
The "all alone" series is my fave of hers but can't find any free samples. here's a link to the mystique ad for it with a short 30 second video.

beautiful, intelligent, quick witted and down to earth.....damn they raise some awesome women in texas! she's one of the 20 girls in my top five! yes, i can't count so what?
I'm sure you've all noticed how most of the galleries posted lately are anywhere from 5 to 6 years old (dates on each pic).
I think the real challenge is to get some of Jennifer's recent work. But most of that is exclusive only to her website these days. Does anyone have some examples, though? :dunno:


Nikkala made me do it!
Jenn's apparently going to be the STAR (yes, that's right) in a new HBO series titled "Lingerie". Pretty amazing, huh? :2 cents: :nanner: