Skateboard P

Now dats nutty!






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Is there no member of her website, that can upload the videos on there to the internet? sharing is caring :) Also how good is her website? who's bright idea was it to keep everything hidden, and not just unplayable or viewable til you've paid? That's like buying an item outside the store without going in, then you pay to go in and collect. How the fuck are we supposed to know what's going on? Haha like it's some kind of religion and we are supposed to have faith in that it is good. Here best option pay 99,99$ for mystery content. Her website must be tanking. Back to my original question could someone upload some vids, that would be nice

I tried Google and this Freeones board was the only thing to come up. I'm really curious about her site, but there is absolutely no information on it.
Is there no member of her website, that can upload the videos on there to the internet? sharing is caring :) Also how good is her website? who's bright idea was it to keep everything hidden, and not just unplayable or viewable til you've paid? That's like buying an item outside the store without going in, then you pay to go in and collect. How the fuck are we supposed to know what's going on? Haha like it's some kind of religion and we are supposed to have faith in that it is good. Here best option pay 99,99$ for mystery content. Her website must be tanking. Back to my original question could someone upload some vids, that would be nice

I tried Google and this Freeones board was the only thing to come up. I'm really curious about her site, but there is absolutely no information on it.

I signed up for a week which cost $9.95. Some good pics, but every single pic is watermarked with jenna shea right across the middle which spoils most of the pics.
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The videos were nothing great just behind the scenes clips.

She kept tweeting new stuff added while i was a member but nothing new was added.


Staff member
I signed up for a week which cost $9.95. Some good pics, but every single pic is watermarked with jenna shea right across the middle which spoils most of the pics.
Like this

The videos were nothing great just behind the scenes clips.

She kept tweeting new stuff added while i was a member but nothing new was added.

I tried Google and this Freeones board was the only thing to come up. I'm really curious about her site, but there is absolutely no information on it.

be careful with this broad. she's a trickster. as sexy as she is, i've seen her do and say things that let's me know that splashing any money on her would be a waste of time. she'll take your money without offering you anything worthwhile.
Why would you sign up to her site? She post Better stuff on her ig. Smh.


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