Sorry guys... I've been soooooo busy again lately!!!! But....
Anyone live in SoCal?????????
Come hang out with me!!!!
Saturday, October 17th
Flesh Showgirls
100 W Hospitality Lane
San Bernardino, CA
(909) 890-0056
21 and over only.
Club has a FULL BAR!!!
1st show starts at 10:00pm, but considering I'm dancing in my home town and I'm already getting a HUGE response, I suggest you get there EARLY (I've been telling people around 8:00). I'll be there early, probably hanging out undercover for a while beforehand (let's see if you can spot me!).
I go on stage at 10pm, then I'll be doing an autograph signing for about an hour. Bring DVDs if you got 'em, or purchase one from me ($20). I'll also be selling 8x10s ($10), or have you picture taken with me... And I'm not talkin' a lousy Polaroid... a fuckin' autographed 8x10 pic of us together ($20)!!! (Pics will be taken during this time, and handed out after my second stage appearance as they need to be printed.) This is also the time to reserve your spot for some one-on-one time with me in the form of a private lap dance (3songs/$100)!!! Sorry, bikini only (club rules). Space is limited for this as the club closes at 2am. My second stage appearance will be around midnight, and afterwards is private dance time!!!!
I look forward to meeting EVERYONE, but please remember that it's going to be really busy and I apologize in advance if I'm (or you're) rushed along. The club closes early and there's so much that needs to be done in that about of time.
Again, I hope to see y'all there!!!