Well, the time's finally here! After having MTV camera guys spend weeks and weeks of quality time with me, my show is finally airing!!! Yay!!!
Tune into MTV on Sunday, March 29th at 8:00pm Eastern time to take a look into my personal life and my addiction to porn.
'Addiction' is kind of a scary word to use, and maybe not something that one would usually want to promote, but I want to make a few things clear. MTV and I agreed to the show to show my addiction to the BUSINESS side of porn: my life, my work, the money, and, yes, the fame. Although there are some down sides to what I do for a living, the good definitely outweighs the bad! They call it a 'job' because you're not supposed to enjoy it all the time! lol.
Anyway, I just wanted to speak out before the show actually airs. I had a great time filming and giving everyone the inside look at the reality of porn. I definitely gave those camera guys a new perspective of porn! And I'm really hoping that the rest of the world gets a new perspective. It's fair to say that I live a not-so-normal life, but, I'm also just like everyone else: I work my ass off on a day to day basis, trying to make a living, put money away, and set myself up for the future. No matter what you do to make money, we're all hustling!
Also, and I'm not say that it will, but JUST IN CASE this show is put together poorly, or people can't quite understand my life or anything, I wanted to make the following VERY clear:
~ I absolutely LOVE what I do for a living. I have bad days at work like everyone else, but, overall, I wouldn't trade it for anything right now.
~ My family and my true friends support me 100%. True, my parents would prefer me to have a different career, but I'm an adult and they support my decisions and will always stand by my side.
~ The MTV crew really dug deep and asked some very difficult questions and I'm sure that I'm shown crying A LOT. However, I have NEVER cried over my job or any aspect of it. But, when you have to sit and explain you life and your decisions to a complete stranger (or, the world!), or when you're asked questions like "Do you think you make your parents proud?" while sitting next to them with a camera in your face, it's a little emotional.

I've never just broken down and cried over porn.
Anyway, I just wanted to get that out there before the show aired. I have no doubts that it's going to be an amazing episode, but I am nervous as to how the rest of the world views it and how I'm going to be judged. I'm a very strong person and, if I was miserable, I wouldn't be here.
I hope you all tune in and get a peek into my life as Jayden Jaymes!
And let me know what you think...
Nope. Production STARTS tomorrow... so, it'll be a couple months. Gotta shoot it, edit it, the release it. Give it some time...