Brazzers is definitely my favorite company to work for... and mainly because I'm friends with all of the directors and producers so it's always a good time on set!
Of course, shooting for companies like Penthouse or Wicked, it's a long day, but the sets are completely catered and it's relaxing and a lot of fun.
I'm just happy so long as everyone is cool, there's no problems, and I'm not getting harassed.
It's very common to contract an STD in this business. In the 2 1/2 years I've been around this biz, I've contracted Chlamydia twice: once when I first started in the biz and once about a year ago. It happens. But, it also happens OUTSIDE of this business. Anyone that is sexually active is likely to get an STD in their lifetime... it's not just in porn. We are tested every 25 days, so we keep it as clean as possible.
My favorite female costar has to be Phoenix! I love that girl! We're such good friends, and she's always in a great mood. I'm usually the grumpy one on set, then she comes in and puts me in an amazing mood! She's a very pleasant girl to have around.