Jasmine Grey is gone

This is terrible when it happens to anyone that young. My thoughts are with her family and friends. I hope they are able to get through the holidays all right, emotionally. :( I would be devastated.

very sad new to me :(
even if I was not a fan of her, knowing that a girl as old as me died in a car accident makes me cry

RIP Jasmine :angels:
Very sad news...

I asked about her a few months back, she had one of those lovely curvy figures that real women ought to have.


Would there be twelve replies if she was a really ugly porn actress? I doubt it.

She died quick - apparently. Not a bad way to go. Hope it was painless. Hope she had no kids - bigtime.

As for her parents? If they were great parents then I sympathize. If they sucked; they can stick it for all I care.

Sentimental aren't I?

Either way - I hope she is happier wherever she is now then wherever she was before.
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Member, you member...
mcrocket said:
Would there be twelve replies if she was a really ugly porn actress? I doubt it.

Yes, there probably would be because when it comes to such tragic endings to people's lives, it touches those that see the tragedy - not what the person looked like.

Rest In Peace, Jasmine.


jod0565 said:
Yes, there probably would be because when it comes to such tragic endings to people's lives, it touches those that see the tragedy - not what the person looked like.

Rest In Peace, Jasmine.

I doubt anyone would have bothered to start a thread for her if she was an ugly porn actress in the first place. But I could be wrong.
But once her thread was up - I agree - many would still 'pay their respects'.
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Member, you member...
Not trying to start an argument here, because I'd let you win, but here's a recent quote from you in the Fem fatale Superpoll:

"To actually not stand someone because of a physical attribute? Not good. Not the end of the world or anything. But not good. To superficial and/or insensitive."

Just defending people who do not reach supermodel looks...


jod0565 said:
Not trying to start an argument here, because I'd let you win, but here's a recent quote from you in the Fem fatale Superpoll:

"To actually not stand someone because of a physical attribute? Not good. Not the end of the world or anything. But not good. To superficial and/or insensitive."

Just defending people who do not reach supermodel looks...

Good point. But what I meant here and there is that people shouldn't give people more attention or credit because they are attractive or famous. I know we all do it - me definitely included. I just detest it (and myself) on it sometimes.
Man did THAT sound obvious on my part.

But well spotted.

Sorry. I will shut up now on this post. I am talking jibberish. Well...mostly.:)

Have a nice day.
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