Iveta Vale - AKA: Iveta, Iveta B, Iveta Blonde, Iveta Vodáková, Ivetta, Ivy, Jolana, Sally, Sarah, Violeta

My God, I love the internet!!!.... Check this out!

Iveta B. (AKA: Iveta Vodakova?) is from the Czech Republic... http://www.eurobabeindex.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=1615&sid=673bf21b0e13b795e56246d578189e69

The first two pictures from the FULL photo set of this series... Met-Art "A Morning With Iveta" http://hosted.met-art.com/Full_met-art_as_214_124/?pa=434026


Is of the Czech's Bridge (Čechův Most) here... http://wikimapia.org/6525092/%C4%8Cech%C5%AFv-Most-Czech-s-Bridge

Here's a close-up of one of the statues on that bridge... Edit

The photographer, Slastyonoff, took from the window that Iveta is posing in front of which happens to be in THIS hotel...

(InterContinental Praha Pařížská 30, 110 00 Praha 1, CZ... photo is in the top left-hand corner) http://www.zlatapraharestaurant.cz/fotogalerie-19/

(According to the photos at the bottom of that page, Michael Jackson, Ozzy Osbourne, and Mick Jagger have also stayed there!)

Here's the Google Map of that intersection. http://maps.google.com/maps?daddr=n%C3%A1m%C4%9Bst%C3%AD+Curieov%C3%BDch+5,+110+00+Praha+1,+Praha,+Czech+Republic+(Zlat%C3%A1+Praha+Restaurant+Hotel+Intercontinental+Praha+*****)&geocode=CSZvD3c9NbzzFT9X_AIdJQTcACHVOZaSq192Yg&dirflg=&saddr=&f=d&dq=intercontinental+N%C3%A1m.+Curieov%C3%BDch+43%2F5+praha,+CK&sll=50.148746,14.320679&sspn=1.239051,2.312622&cid=50091839,14418981,7094963453472160213&ie=UTF8&t=h&z=16

Just an FYI... I have never been to Prauge... I solved this mystery based entirely on the first two photos of that picture set.

Sheesh, I should be a private detective! :D (And yes, Iveta is definitely my all-time-favorite!)

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That account is probably going to be shut very soon. And I wouldn't be surprised if the creator was sought for fraud. Or maybe other, worse, charges depending on the legality of prostitution in Moscow.