It's official I hate Obama thread...

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
I've thought about marrying a rich girl, but she'd only be into me for my body. I need a real chick.

My buddy is getting a business degree. That's kind of our plan. Your words of wisdom make me feel better.

Just wondering what happens if we into too much debt?

My grandather had the wisdom. I've just built a little book of experience based on his (and my dad's) words.

Too much debt? You only know you have too much debt when you have trouble making payments, or it begins to hamper your operation or life. If you get into real estate, your level of debt to equity could be somewhere north of 90% in the early years. But You Might have extremely healthy free cashflow. My father always counseled me against taking on debt, because that was against his way of thinking (he was Depression era). But I saw debt as a (fast) way to acquire income producing assets: real estate. I wouldn't buy (any) stock on 90% margin though. And I wouldn't load up on debt to buy/start something that did not have a rather guaranteed income stream. And people who take on debt, and have to live paycheck to paycheck, so they can have a BMW M3 or the right house in the right neighborhood are stupid. There's "good" debt and "bad" debt.

But that's why you want to take a couple of business/econ classes, so that you can better understand how to develop and write a business plan, and figure out how to get from Point A to point Z. It's nice to have a friend who knows the ropes. But if you get to a point where the cash begins to roll in, You Might find that $ means more to him than your friendship. Outside of my family (and even then), I've been involved in VERY few partnerships that worked out longer term. Two guys sharing business responsibilities and the profits is like two guys agreeing that they can share a pretty girl. Sooner or later, one or the other is going to want to make her his own. It's just human nature.
It's called a monopoly. Rupert Murdoch's company News Corp. almost has one already - he owns FOX news, 20th Cent. FOX movie and TV studio and a third of DirecTV in addition to the NY Post and MySpace.

BTW, I'm still waiting to see Barrak's birth certificate. As long as his grandmother said he was "born in Kenya," I have to believe her.

How about the monopoly the Dems and GOP have on all of us? THey just take turns fucking us with a chair leg, buying votes with our tax money, then blaming the other.

If people want REAL change, people gotta start voting out every single politician in Washington.

The "change" Obama is trying has already been done, it's called the New Deal version 5. It's not "change," rather its more of the same bullshit philosophy that government spending can somehow create wealth and prosperity and freedom. It's a sham. If that worked, the USSR would still be around and would be the richest, freest place on the planet.
How about the monopoly the Dems and GOP have on all of us? THey just take turns fucking us with a chair leg, buying votes with our tax money, then blaming the other.

If people want REAL change, people gotta start voting out every single politician in Washington.

The "change" Obama is trying has already been done, it's called the New Deal version 5. It's not "change," rather its more of the same bullshit philosophy that government spending can somehow create wealth and prosperity and freedom. It's a sham. If that worked, the USSR would still be around and would be the richest, freest place on the planet.

The media are who really pick the candidate. You can't overestimate how powerful the media is; there is like a few guys that choose who they want and that's it. I'm writing a paper on it right now for a final project, so I am going over quite a bit of material on the subject. It's pretty scary how powerful the media is. In the past, in America, the rich really did want only "property owners" to be able to vote and men like John Adams were vocal opponents of a universal franchise. There has always been an "elite" in America; never has that changed and it never will. I take comfort knowing (or at least, believing) that you can in fact start with nothing in this country and go to the top. But I do believe ultimately the masses as a whole have very little say in matters political. In fact, even I would be alright with a "literacy test" for all voters in America. I don't think that's too much to ask at all. But I still find it disturbing how powerful a handful of men are in this country.
The media are who really pick the candidate. You can't overestimate how powerful the media is; there is like a few guys that choose who they want and that's it. I'm writing a paper on it right now for a final project, so I am going over quite a bit of material on the subject. It's pretty scary how powerful the media is. In the past, in America, the rich really did want only "property owners" to be able to vote and men like John Adams were vocal opponents of a universal franchise. There has always been an "elite" in America; never has that changed and it never will. I take comfort knowing (or at least, believing) that you can in fact start with nothing in this country and go to the top. But I do believe ultimately the masses as a whole have very little say in matters political. In fact, even I would be alright with a "literacy test" for all voters in America. I don't think that's too much to ask at all. But I still find it disturbing how powerful a handful of men are in this country.

I don't disagree with anything you wrote there. But it's still always a choice between the party of no ideas (GOP) and the party of bad ideas (Dems).

If people REALLY wanted "change", they'd try something else and stop playing this game.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
But it's still always a choice between the party of no ideas (GOP) and the party of bad ideas (Dems).

If people REALLY wanted "change", they'd try something else and stop playing this game.

Another person who sees the light! Pretty much right on the mark. It's the systems that's broken.

I'd like to say the same, but Clinton dropped the ball on the terrorism problem.
Allowed attacks and watched the groups grow with almost no retaliation or prevention.
Alot of people died.

Actually, 9/11 was Clinton's fault due to his in action on terrorist attacks on the US. Also, he is responsible for much of the finincial mess because he de regulated the banking industry,actually rewarding banks who gave many loans to people who could NEVER repay them. Obama is arrogant and he his a pure tax and spend liberal that will bankrupt this country and place us in a weak political and military situation worldwide. Obama is the worst thing (along with a Democrat Congress) that could ever happen to this country.
I'm a republican at heart. I didn't vote for Obama... I thought he was an ok guy I'd give him a chance. He is a fucking Nazi.

Freedom no more. No one can go outside now.

Obama is a pure socialist. He wants the government to do everything. The top 5 % of the population pays all the taxes while the rest pay little or nothing. He is spending money we do not have. I was very troubled by his off the cuff comment that the police acted STUPIDLY when they arrested his ultra liberal, white hating friend.
Without a teleprompter and a prepared speech, Obama is the greenest rookie president we have ever had.
His approval ratings are taking a nosedive as the country is finally seeing through this PHONY with a golden tongue.
you know wats really crazy about this thread.....none of you have even given thought to the last yrs of bush crap we all went through:thefinger,yeah hes not Mr fantastic or anything...but remember who got us to this point....A TEXAN!!!!one day we'll learn
Wow.. you guys are truly insane. Let me guess you also think Obama was born in Kenya. I only hope the Republican continue to shrink even more.

Not everyone who opposes Obama/Pelosi/Reid policies of expansion of the Federal nanny state are Republicans... some of us actually think for ourselves and don't lap up the sh*t spewed forth by either political/ideological machine.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Also, he is responsible for much of the finincial mess because he de regulated the banking industry,actually rewarding banks who gave many loans to people who could NEVER repay them.

Actually, Garrison, Clinton did sign into law a bill which was passed by the Republican controlled Senate in 1999, with all Republican Senators supporting it and all but one Democrat opposed: repeal of Glass-Steagall. The bill which did that was the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (all Republicans, BTW). Now, I'm not a great fan of Bill Clinton, and I'm not a defender of Democrats. But I think it's important to get the facts straight, and not continue to spread and believe myths, falsehoods and/or half-truths. So you might want to keep in mind that the first name on that bill (Phil Gramm) also prevented the regulation of CDO's, CDS's and other financial derivatives, with the help of another gentleman... by the name of John McCain, along with a goodly number of other "free market" Republicans. That was the Commodity Futures Modernization Act. My boy, Dubya Bush, signed that one into law. Smooth move. Great protection for the boys & girls at Enron (since it included a nice loophole for Enron - where Phil's wife worked :)). But not so great for the rest of us, huh? Not exactly my favorite President, but to say that this was Clinton's baby is more than just stretching the truth.

I have no idea what you mean by "actually rewarding banks who gave many loans to people who could NEVER repay them." The "rewards" in banking initially come from when the initial term, rate and points are set. After that, the trading operations take over. I'm not aware of any special "rewards" offered to banks which offered loans to people who couldn't pay the money back. You may be talking about the myth concerning subprime mortgages. A study was completed by the Fed recently. Rather than take my word for it, look up the study and then tell me what percentage of loan applications that were closed as subprimes actually fit the criteria to be primes. You'll probably be rather shocked. So why would a bank/mortgage company place someone in a subprime if they qualified for a prime? I'm not going to do it here, but as I illustrated on another board, a banker can make at least 500% greater compensation on writing a subprime vs. a prime. That mainly comes from playing with the rates and points. The government has nothing to do with setting rates or points on mortgages - well, they might sometime soon, but not back then. The problems (fraud) at FNMA and FHLMC were that they continued to "let it ride" even after losses were being realized in the markets they were making and supporting.

And you really have me all confused here. You have a problem with Clinton because (you say) he deregulated... yet you have a problem with Obama because he is re-regulating? Uh... I... uh... huh?! :confused: Please don't do that to me. The week is off to a really rough start and that makes my head hurt.
Actually, Garrison, Clinton did sign into law a bill which was passed by the Republican controlled Senate in 1999, with all Republican Senators supporting it and all but one Democrat opposed: repeal of Glass-Steagall. The bill which did that was the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (all Republicans, BTW). Now, I'm not a great fan of Bill Clinton, and I'm not a defender of Democrats. But I think it's important to get the facts straight, and not continue to spread and believe myths, falsehoods and/or half-truths. So you might want to keep in mind that the first name on that bill (Phil Gramm) also prevented the regulation of CDO's, CDS's and other financial derivatives, with the help of another gentleman... by the name of John McCain, along with a goodly number of other "free market" Republicans. That was the Commodity Futures Modernization Act. My boy, Dubya Bush, signed that one into law. Smooth move. Great protection for the boys & girls at Enron (since it included a nice loophole for Enron - where Phil's wife worked :)). But not so great for the rest of us, huh? Not exactly my favorite President, but to say that this was Clinton's baby is more than just stretching the truth.

I have no idea what you mean by "actually rewarding banks who gave many loans to people who could NEVER repay them." The "rewards" in banking initially come from when the initial term, rate and points are set. After that, the trading operations take over. I'm not aware of any special "rewards" offered to banks which offered loans to people who couldn't pay the money back. You may be talking about the myth concerning subprime mortgages. A study was completed by the Fed recently. Rather than take my word for it, look up the study and then tell me what percentage of loan applications that were closed as subprimes actually fit the criteria to be primes. You'll probably be rather shocked. So why would a bank/mortgage company place someone in a subprime if they qualified for a prime? I'm not going to do it here, but as I illustrated on another board, a banker can make at least 500% greater compensation on writing a subprime vs. a prime. That mainly comes from playing with the rates and points. The government has nothing to do with setting rates or points on mortgages - well, they might sometime soon, but not back then. The problems (fraud) at FNMA and FHLMC were that they continued to "let it ride" even after losses were being realized in the markets they were making and supporting.

And you really have me all confused here. You have a problem with Clinton because (you say) he deregulated... yet you have a problem with Obama because he is re-regulating? Uh... I... uh... huh?! :confused: Please don't do that to me. The week is off to a really rough start and that makes my head hurt.

The federal government did indeed grant stipends to banks according to the number of loans they wrote. Didn't matter if they could be repaid. Clinton started this and he also promoted and increased welfare. Again, at my expense. The Republicans,however, didd not act to repeal this foolish idea oc Clinton's.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
The federal government did indeed grant stipends to banks according to the number of loans they wrote. Didn't matter if they could be repaid.

"Stipends" to banks? Interesting terminology. Are we talking about something based on the dollar volume of mortgages here? Tell me more - as in a reference or link. I'm not aware of this.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
...but remember who got us to this point....A TEXAN!!!!one day we'll learn

As a proud Texan (Philby...where are you now that I need you? :dunno:), I have 2 words for you and, believe me, they ain't happy birthday.

Pray tell us, where might you hail from, campy???? Maybe I can make up some equally moronic generalization about your fucking state, huh?
As a proud Texan (Philby...where are you now that I need you? :dunno:), I have 2 words for you and, believe me, they ain't happy birthday.

Pray tell us, where might you hail from, campy???? Maybe I can make up some equally moronic generalization about your fucking state, huh?

I talked to a Texan up here in Minnesota and he said Texans hated dubya. He was a real shit-kickin' old shitter, this fella, but he laid the whole story down about how Jeb is in Florida and they really are New Englander family. A slimey famliy every last one of 'em, the Bush's. :yesyes:

Still, I think 9/11 collapsed the world we once knew so I don't lay it all on Dubya (still don't like any of 'em).


Really? Which Clinton policies did you like?

I liked his policies in offering female subordinates raises, just ask Paula Jones :D

:nono: :rubbel: <- Big Bill wankin his hunkin Peyronies Syndrome Schlong, yelling, "Paula, won't you come up to my office..... I ..... I'll give you a raise, hon" . :):D
:yesyes: $$$$
You're getting your "news" from FOX?

Are "you fucking kidding me?"

Pull your head out man! :rolleyes:

Well where do you get yours from?

here's a little picture for you that I feel represents most nation news stations.
