It's Been Ten Years Since We Lost The World's Best Neighbor.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Initially educated to be a minister, Fred McFeely Rogers was displeased with the way television addressed children and made an effort to change this when he began to write for and perform on local Pittsburgh-area shows dedicated to youth. Fred developed his own show in 1968 and it was distributed nationwide by Eastern Educational Television Network. Over the course of three decades on television, Fred Rogers became an indelible American icon of children's entertainment and education, as well as a symbol of compassion, patience, and morality. He was also known for his advocacy of various public causes. His testimony before a lower court in favor of time shifting was cited in a U.S. Supreme Court decision on the Betamax case, and he gave now-famous testimony to a U.S. Senate committee, advocating government funding for children's television.

Rogers received the Presidential Medal of Freedom, some forty honorary degrees, and a Peabody Award. He was inducted into the Television Hall of Fame, was recognized by two Congressional resolutions, and was ranked No. 35 among TV Guide's Fifty Greatest TV Stars of All Time. Several buildings and artworks in Pennsylvania are dedicated to his memory, and the Smithsonian Institution displays one of his trademark sweaters as a "Treasure of American History".

Rogers was diagnosed with stomach cancer in December 2002, not long after his retirement. He underwent surgery on January 6, 2003, which was unsuccessful. A week earlier, he served as grand marshal of the Tournament of Roses Parade, with Art Linkletter and Bill Cosby. Rogers died ten years ago today, on the morning of February 27, 2003 at his home with his wife by his side, less than a month before he would have turned 75. His death was such a significant event in Pittsburgh that the entire front page of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette published the next day devoted its coverage to him.

So long, Mr. Rogers, we hardly knew ye.



Was King of the Board for a Day
Watching him was one of the highlights of my childhood. I saved the newspaper and corresponding articles from the day he died.
I'm an Irishman so we never actually got the show over here as kids, but I'm aware of it and its legacy. However, what I do know is that he had a huge hand in creating the modern zombie movie, as he was a massive contributor to his personal friend George Romero's funding for Night of the Living Dead.
I love hearing all the stories about him wearing long sleeves cause he was all tatt'd up and was a Marine Scout Sniper in Vietnam.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
I love hearing all the stories about him wearing long sleeves cause he was all tatt'd up and was a Marine Scout Sniper in Vietnam.

I used that old chestnut on April fool's day a few times. My Mom was the only one who saw through the bullshit.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
March 20th is the greatest American's birthday, and we should all remember what he taught, not only that day, but every day. If Congress has any memory at all, it will go further than the resolutions honoring him and make his birthday a national holiday. The man gave literally a third of this country something that only some of us got at home if we were lucky: an adult who cared about them, and a teacher of the human spirit.
But we can't wait for Congress to mark it. We have to make sure we remember Rogers Dayth, and the other 364 days, by telling people we love them just the way they are. Surprise people with kindness, and make the most of the gift he gave us. Let's turn our world into his Neighborhood.
Happy birthday, Mr. Rogers, from all your neighbors. 143.

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Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
The only movie I will pay to see in theaters this year. You need a little suspension of disbelief to get past the dissimilarities in their voices but the message gets through. Tom Hanks is a g*ddamn American Treasure.
