ist freeones aud Deutschland?


There are plenty of Germans, and plenty of people who also speak German.

This is an english language board.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
I dont sprechen much of anything besides english and a little ***.
...and there was poor old me thinking it originated from the USofA:):o dont't know why:dunno: You learn something new everyday - even about FreeOnes:)

I always thought Freeones was from the USA too...I just assumed since the US seems to be the porn capital of the world, not to mention the porn SITE capital.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
I always thought Freeones was from the USA too...I just assumed since the US seems to be the porn capital of the world, not to mention the porn SITE capital.

That's porn SITE capital DOT COM to you, young senob! :p
I always thought Freeones was from the USA too...I just assumed since the US seems to be the porn capital of the world, not to mention the porn SITE capital.


Sorry I just had to laugh at that.

Europe is the biggest porn producing area in the world. Even a quarter of US porn is produced by a European owned companies. Half the sites on the web are European owned too. It's just that the US has a very relax set of laws on porn compared to most countries in the world. So they tend to peddle their wears through the US to make it easier. So the website always appears to be US owned because of the trademark or server address.

Another reason US seems to be bigger is English. After all this is the most used language in the world. So most things on the web are given a look as been US. Then there is the fact that the money in the US is bigger than another other country. As it's easier to obtain and promote your company there than anywhere else.