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Israeli Occupation of Palestine 'Irreversible' If Settlement Continues


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
A UN human rights rapporteur has said continued settlement construction will probably make Israel's occupation of Palestinian land irreversible.

Richard Falk said the peace process aimed at creating an independent, sovereign Palestinian state therefore appeared to be based on an illusion.

He said the UN, the US and Israel had failed to uphold Palestinians' rights.

Israeli officials said Mr Falk's report on the Palestinian territories was biased and served a political agenda.

Nearly half a million Jews live in more than 100 settlements built since Israel's 1967 occupation of the West Bank and East Jerusalem. They are held to be illegal under international law, although Israel disputes this.


It's been nearly a day since our last Israel discussion. What does everyone think? I think the construction is a mistake by the Israelis. One one hand they say they want peace with the Palestinians, and then on the other they practically give them the finger by settling their land. This is probably not the way you are going to stop all the bloodshed.


Staff member

It's been nearly a day since our last Israel discussion. What does everyone think? I think the construction is a mistake by the Israelis. One one hand they say they want peace with the Palestinians, and then on the other they practically give them the finger by settling their land. This is probably not the way you are going to stop all the bloodshed.

Problem is that since the creation of Palestine which was merely a result of the migration of the several arab citizens coming from the neighbouring countries, it was never a democracy but a dictature. They supported the fplp and Arafat who killed Jews during black september and who was responsible for many terrorist attacks. You also have forgotten that Hamas, Al Aqash, Martyr Brigades and Fatah are more or less controlling Palestinian territories and they are threats to Israel. Cheikh Ahmad Yassine was killed by a rocket fired by an Israeli apache and other pieces of shit terrorists like the one who was killed in Dubai were killed by Israelis because they were murderers and deserved to die. Everyday you hear about Palestinian terrorits firing kassams on Israel. You also forgot the raid of Entebbe where Colonel Yehonathan Nataniyahu (the brother of Benjamin Nataniyahu) died in 1975 by rescueing a whole plane and its passengers.
Israelis has always been the best friend of the USA, they provided the US the lastest in terms of electronics with raphael abnd elbit etchnologies as well as share their counterintelligence and intelligence with American agencies like the NCIS, CIA and FBI when it comes to kill and neutralize terrorist threats.
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another wacky transmission from Planet Georges!

I've already disproved his version of events(or should I say the Hasbara 101 version of events) when Philbert and a couple of other Zionist shills regurgitated them so I don't know if I can really be bothered to do it all again,perhaps I'll just leave this quote here instead.....

The theory that the Jews are to come into Palestine and oust the Moslem cultivators by 'equitable purchase' or other means is in violation of principles of sound policy, and would, if accepted, arouse violent outbreaks against the Jewish minority. It would, moreover, arouse fierce Moslem hostility and fanaticism against the Western powers that permitted it. The effect of this hostility would be felt all through the Middle East, and would cause trouble in Syria, Mesopotamia, Egypt, and India. To this might be ascribed by future historians the outbreak of a great war between the white and the brown races, a war into which America would without doubt be drawn.

-- Zionist Aspirations in Palestine, by H. Anstruther Mackay (Military Governor of Ramleh, Palestine); The Atlantic Monthly, July 1920.
I agree with you, Plasma. I defend Israel's right to exist, but there has to be a pathway for peace for the Palestinians.

I think a total, radical new solution must be drawn up. We go back to Israel trading land for peace, and the UN making sure the Arab nations honor that peace :dunno:


Here is a sampling of the public record of Israeli espionage and covert actions against the US:

1) A General Accounting Office report "Defense Industrial Security: Weaknesses in US Security Arrangements With Foreign-Owned Defense Contractors" found that according to intelligence sources "Country A" (identified by intelligence sources as Israel, Washington Times, 2/22/96) "conducts the most aggressive espionage operation against the United States of any US ally." The Jerusalem Post (8/30/96) quoted the report, "Classified military information and sensitive military technologies are high-priority targets for the intelligence agencies of this country."

2) An Office of Naval Intelligence document, "Worldwide Challenges to Naval Strike Warfare" reported that "US technology has been acquired [by China] through Israel in the form of the Lavi fighter and possibly SAM [surface-to-air] missile technology." Jane's Defense Weekly (2/28/96) noted that "until now, the intelligence community has not openly confirmed the transfer of US technology [via Israel] to China." The report noted that this "represents a dramatic step forward for Chinese military aviation." (Flight International, 3/13/96)

3) The Defense Investigative Service circulated a memo in late 1995 warning US military contractors that "Israel aggressively collects [US] military and industrial technology." The report stated that Israel obtains information using "ethnic targeting, financial aggrandizement, and identification and exploitation of individual frailties" of US citizens. (Washington Post, 1/30/96) (This report was criticized by several groups for allegedly implying that Americans Jews were particularly suspect.)

continued here

In 1987, Israeli spy, Jonathan Pollard was sentenced to life in prison for the single most devastating assault on America’s security in her history. 110 CIA agents behind the Iron Curtain were captured, tortured and executed, destroying America’s intelligence network at the height of the Cold War. Military experts from the former Soviet Union claim that information they received from Israel, information stolen by Pollard, nearly pushed Russia to starting a nuclear war against the United States, a war Russia knew they could easily win using information supplied by Israel

Perhaps the most troubling of all is the Israeli/Chinese arms relationship. Israel is China's second largest supplier of arms. Coincidentally, the newest addition to the Chinese air force, the F-10 multi-role fighter, is an almost identical version of the Lavi (Lion). The Lavi was a joint Israeli-American design based upon the F-16 for manufacture in Israel, but financed mostly with American aid. Plagued by cost overruns, it was canceled in 1987, but not before the U.S. spent $1.5 billion on the project.

Last April, when the Navy EP-3E surveillance plane was forced to land in China after a Chinese F-8 fighter flew into its propeller, photos show Israeli built Python 3 missiles under the fighter's wings.

If Israeli weapons sales to China induce misgivings, including the most recent U.S. blocked sale of Israel's Phalcon airborne radar, the beneficiaries of Chinese arms transfers of Israeli-American technology are even more disturbing. In 1996, as disclosed in the UN Register of Conventional Arms, China sold over 100 missiles and launchers to Iran, along with a handful of combat aircraft and warships. Even worse, in 1997 the New York Daily News reported that Iraq had deployed Israeli-developed, Chinese PL-8 missiles in the no-fly zones, endangering American pilots.

For years, the US government has expressed concerns over Israel illegally transferring technology to China. During the Gulf War, the US gave Israel Patriot missiles as protection against Iraqi Scud missiles. In 1992, a US intelligence report revealed that soon after the end of the Gulf War, Israel had sold Patriot anti-missile data to China. Israel denied the intelligence report.

Obviously a fantastic ally you have there US citizens!


Not to mention a principled upholder of human rights. This from 1998:

# Israeli military advisers helped to train the militaries and secret police agencies of such "friends of Israel" as the Shah of Iran, Mobutu Sese Seko in Zaire, Emperor Bokassa in the Central African Republic, General Idi Amin in Uganda, and Ian Smith of Rhodesia.

# In 1978, Israel sold U.S. jets and attack helicopters to Indonesia as that country's military carried out genocide against East Timor. To date, the Indonesian military has killed more than 200,000 Timorese. Israel's arms trade with the Suharto dictatorship continues today.

# In the last year of the Somoza dictatorship in Nicaragua, Israel provided 98 percent of the arms Somoza used to kill 50,000 Nicaraguans. In 1980, Israel supplied 83 percent of the arms to the genocidal military regime of Guatemala. 14

# In the late 1970s and early 1980s, Israel earned more than $1 billion a year selling weapons to the military dictatorships in Argentina, Chile and Brazil. "Thus while Jewish newspaper publisher [and human rights advocate] Jacobo Timerman was being tortured by the Argentine military in cells painted with swastikas, three Israeli generals, including the former armed forces chief of staff, were visiting Buenos Aires on a 'friendly mission' to sell arms." 15

# In 1977, Israeli Foreign Minister Moshe Dayan announced that Israel would not abide by the international arms embargo against the racist South African apartheid regime. Even an Israeli newspaper conceded, "It is a clear and open secret known to everybody that in [South African] army camps one can find Israeli officers in not insignificant numbers who are busy teaching white soldiers to fight Black terrorists with methods imported from Israel." 16

# Israel anchored an international terrorist network which ran guns, drugs and other weapons between Panama's Noriega, the contras in Nicaragua, Middle Eastern arms dealers, the Sultan of Brunei and the CIA. The Reagan administration made use of this network during the "arms for hostages" Contragate affair in the mid-1980s.
I am somehwere between "yawn" and "wtf". The post above me is clearly a WTF because it is absolutely unrelated to the thread topic.

Most citizens of mainland Israel would agree with the report. Don't mistake the settlers for the entire nation of Israel. Most of them are religious or political zealots who have immigrated to a large part from the US. Israel would be better off without them.

Unfortunately, governments left and right have upheld and expanded the settlements because the settlers are an important voter base in a country so politically fractured.

Once a government understands that the settlements cause more bad than good, they might give them up, like they did in Gaza.


Staff member
another wacky transmission from Planet Georges!

I've already disproved his version of events(or should I say the Hasbara 101 version of events) when Philbert and a couple of other Zionist shills regurgitated them so I don't know if I can really be bothered to do it all again,perhaps I'll just leave this quote here instead.....

The theory that the Jews are to come into Palestine and oust the Moslem cultivators by 'equitable purchase' or other means is in violation of principles of sound policy, and would, if accepted, arouse violent outbreaks against the Jewish minority. It would, moreover, arouse fierce Moslem hostility and fanaticism against the Western powers that permitted it. The effect of this hostility would be felt all through the Middle East, and would cause trouble in Syria, Mesopotamia, Egypt, and India. To this might be ascribed by future historians the outbreak of a great war between the white and the brown races, a war into which America would without doubt be drawn.

-- Zionist Aspirations in Palestine, by H. Anstruther Mackay (Military Governor of Ramleh, Palestine); The Atlantic Monthly, July 1920.

Another piece of nonsense coming from you, how astonishing:facepalm::why:
You have never proved anything right. And what are you? Some kind of radical islamist zealot who hates the jew for their existence and blames all the misery of the poor Palestinians on the Jews.
You quote an excerpt from a book that was written from some British officer before the second world war. Fact is that Egypt and Israel made peace and so did Jordania. Jordania, Egypt and Saudi Arabia have peaceful relationships with Israel. Even Egypt decided to make its frontiers with Palestine more secure by closing all the tunnels leading to it. Regarding Syria, it has always been an ennemy of Israel because not only it did hide nazis who committed crimes against jews during WW2 but it also supported indirectly terrorist groups. Alois Bruner was hidden by Syria, but Syria never wanted to admit it.
Hafez El Assad and now his son Bashar El Assad are not considered as allies of America or Israel. The biggest problem in the middle east is Iran and Ahmadinejhad who went to Liban in order to strenghten the Hezbollah which is another bunch of radical islamic djihadists as well as jew and western civilizations haters. Iraq is also another problem due to the many tribes and religions which are living there (wahabites, sunnites and chiites). Another problem is that Russia and China supply weapons to Iran and Syria.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement

lol you're right, random shouting match are more fun.

You totally just flamed a mod. Shame on you.



Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Just as a reminder... I still try to keep up the thought that FreeOnes should be more about loving than hating.

But the drama addiction seems to be way too strong.

Right now I am reading a book about the history of Israel, it's a german book, Israels Weg zum Staat' (Israels Road to the State) by Arno Ullmann

There are a lot of things I am learning right now, especially the dealings between the turkish sultan and Herzl back in the days.

You knows, it pays to try to get to learn about the whole legal situation

So as I know now, the state of Israel was legally founded by a deal with the owner of the place back then, so Palestinians are wrong if they think they have a chance in fornt of any court. Its all just religious insanity, really, and that does not count.


Staff member
Ok if this thread derails or gets further uselessly into flaming, I will close it. Plain and simple.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Ok if this thread derails or gets further uselessly into flaming, I will close it. Plain and simple.

Yes sir.

I agree with you, Plasma. I defend Israel's right to exist, but there has to be a pathway for peace for the Palestinians.

Of course Israel has a right to exist, but I don't see what gives them the right to be given this land by the UN and the British, and then turn around and say "the Palestinians do not have the right to their own homeland". That's what I hate about Israel. There could have been a solution and peace decades ago, but instead there will probably never be peace and there will never be a solution to this.