Islam/Sharia Dangerous to U.S.

No of course not, most have their heads stuck in the sand reminding themselves that there's no such thing as an Islamist and that Islam is peaceful.
But Sayid was Muslim and he would be the one I would follow at the Island. I trust him the most.

I should also stop watching Dave Chappelle because he's sending subliminal messaging to take down America in his stand up?

I guess I'll also have to avoid a couple of my friends too because all they care about is bringing down America and spreading their ideals. No religion has ever done that before
Well its nice to know what The Unification Church and Sun Myung Moon think of Muslims. BTW, does Sun Myung Moon still think he is God incarnate?


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
A panel of national security experts who worked under Republican and Democratic presidents is urging the Obama administration to abandon its stance that Islam is not linked to terrorism, arguing that radical Muslims are using Islamic law to subvert the United States.

Didn't everyone know that already?


Believer In GregCentauro
"it is vital to the national security of the United States, and to Western civilization at large, that we do what we can to empower Islam's authentic moderates and reformers."

STRIKE out "Islam" and replace with "Latin American" and we have a pattern...


My Penis Is Dancing!
Golly gee, guess we should start rounding them up and exterminating them, eh? And since christians are a hateful bunch of fucks, should do the same with them, too, eh?

And in all seriousness, to anyone who believes the world should be divided by religion: Fuck you. Fuck you and your small-minded little views. The world would be a better place without you. As long as people like you who are unable to to see humans inside those shells of religious beliefs, fuck you. You aren't worthy of the air you breath, you are not worthy of the words I type. Fuck you, go away, and let the rest of us with an iota of intelligence live together in a much more peaceful world.
Golly gee, guess we should start rounding them up and exterminating them, eh? And since christians are a hateful bunch of fucks, should do the same with them, too, eh?

And in all seriousness, to anyone who believes the world should be divided by religion: Fuck you. Fuck you and your small-minded little views. The world would be a better place without you. As long as people like you who are unable to to see humans inside those shells of religious beliefs, fuck you. You aren't worthy of the air you breath, you are not worthy of the words I type. Fuck you, go away, and let the rest of us with an iota of intelligence live together in a much more peaceful world.

Hey Stan, how are ya? Are you blind to the hypocrisy and irony in your statement? Or do you just not care anymore?
:facepalm: Uh boy, we've come full circle.

In just 3 short years Americans have become dimwit enough to entertain the thought of returning the losers to power who ran the country up on the rocks and the worst circumstances since the depression.

Nowwww a brand new group of neocorns feels sufficiently removed enough from the last group of them and the epic blunder they wriggled us into with Iraq that they have the nerve to not only show their mugs to the light of day again but are trying to tell us again what we should be doing in the middle east.

Boy oh boy we Americans sure deserve ourselves. What's that quote about failing to learn from history?
Sharia Law in its true spirit is never dangerous or intrusive as Taliban in Afghanistan and North Western Pakistan have displayed it to be. According to m personal studies Sharia Law is very similar to modern western common law in its legal processes and institutions, punishments, however, are severe compared to modern European standards but necessarily US standards.

Wahabist/Extremist Sharia Law runs shivers to the core of Islamic world. That's why religious parties usually fail to get any attention from voter in any democratic process in Islamic countries.
So, tell me, what percentage of American Muslims are in favor of Shariah law?

How are they going about establishing it? What have they been doing? What's their strategy? What's their possibility of success.

The most interesting thing that I see in this is how, if the more zealous, fundamentalist Christians could relax a bit more about the Other, Brown people from sandy countries, they might actually see how many ideas they have in common with the pro-Shariah Muslims. Sometimes it's a matter of degrees (some significant, some trivial), but there is a lot of overlap in what they seek. Extreme punishments for crimes; strong patriarchy that keeps women subservient and with minimal to no rights, powers, or freedoms; no recognition of a wall of separation of church and state; homophobia codified into laws; religious indoctrination in schools; no teaching of evolution in schools; moral police in various forms, etc.

If we would ever get Shariah law in America (and with the proportion of Muslims in the US at something under 2%, I dare say that we're quite a long ways from that - and that's even allowing the asinine assumption that ALL American Muslims are in favor of such a thing [they ain't]), I'd have to wonder just how displeased the Jesus & Family Values crowd would be. I suppose they would - they just couldn't get over the "towel-head"/"camel-jockey" thing.

Meanwhile, the capitalists don't give a shit: whatever distracts the working masses from the royal and violent unlubed ass-fucking they're getting! Yes, yes, fight over your houses of worship, while we enrich ourselves from your sweat and blood - thanks!
From the report you cited:

In a report set for release today, the panel states that "it is vital to the national security of the United States, and to Western civilization at large, that we do what we can to empower Islam's authentic moderates and reformers."

How does that fit into your "everything Mulim is evil" campaign Tribent?
From the report you cited:

In a report set for release today, the panel states that "it is vital to the national security of the United States, and to Western civilization at large, that we do what we can to empower Islam's authentic moderates and reformers."

How does that fit into your "everything Mulim is evil" campaign Tribent?

Further, how is that different from what Obama has espoused and is already doing.

So these geniuses believe there are Muslims who believe in Sharia law and there are Islamic extremists who like to impose Sharia, who knew.:rolleyes:

Obama is engaging in a policy of trying to eliminate the extremists fighting against us. When you eliminate extremists...who the fuck does that leave but "moderates" and non practitioners?:cool:

Here's the funniest thing in all these posts by "Try.." and extremists like him...they don't realize (or maybe they do and don't care) that they are just the flip side of the same extremist coin as the Islamo goons.

When these jokers openly advocate things like nuking entire countries (full of innocent women and kids) for the sins of a exactly are they different from these Islamo pukes???:confused:
Well its nice to know what The Unification Church and Sun Myung Moon think of Muslims. BTW, does Sun Myung Moon still think he is God incarnate?

Yeah I wonder if he knows who and what the Washington times is owned by.

Talk about media bias!!!:facepalm:

Vlad The Impaler

Power Slave
Golly gee, guess we should start rounding them up and exterminating them, eh? And since christians are a hateful bunch of fucks, should do the same with them, too, eh?

And in all seriousness, to anyone who believes the world should be divided by religion: Fuck you. Fuck you and your small-minded little views. The world would be a better place without you. As long as people like you who are unable to to see humans inside those shells of religious beliefs, fuck you. You aren't worthy of the air you breath, you are not worthy of the words I type. Fuck you, go away, and let the rest of us with an iota of intelligence live together in a much more peaceful world.

I could easily say the same thing about atheists, they're the most hate filled people I know, shit they even hate something they swear doesn't exist!