ISIS Suicide Bomber in Iraq Kills Dozens at Soccer Game


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BAGHDAD — A suicide bomber detonated his explosive belt at a soccer game in a town south of Baghdad on Friday, killing at least 31 people, including the town’s mayor, provincial police officials said.

Islamic State militants claimed responsibility for the attack, in the town of Iskandariya in Babil Province, through the group’s affiliated news agency, Al Amaq. The Islamic State group controls large areas of territory in northern and western Iraq, as well as parts of Syria.

The attack, which also wounded at least 71 people, struck a large crowd gathered for a game between local teams sponsored by Asaib Ahl al-Haq, a powerful Shiite militia that has ties to Iran and has been at the forefront of fighting against the Islamic State, also known as ISIS or ISIL.

The game had just ended and a trophy was being presented to the winning team when the bomber detonated the explosives while in the crowd, the police said.

Sheik Jawad, the head of the Asaib Ahl al-Haq office in Babil Province, said that at least five top members of the militia had been wounded. “The attack was carried out to destabilize the confidence between the people and Asaib, and to take revenge against us after our victories,” he said.

Raed al-Zaidi, a 36-year-old journalist, said his cousin was among those killed in the bombing. “My cousin was a soccer player, and he wanted to win the final match but his dream was uncompleted,” Mr. Zaidi said.

The Islamic State also claimed responsibility this month for a suicide bombing farther south in Hilla that killed at least 33 people and wounded 115. In a Twitter post at the time, the extremist group said, “The battle has just started and the coming will be worst.”

On Thursday, the Iraqi military said it had recaptured several villages in the northern province of Nineveh, backed by American airstrikes, as it gears up for a campaign to retake Mosul from ISIS militants.

Source: The New York Times

My thoughts go out to the victims of this attack and their families. Fuck Daesh
Oh by the way, the whole we call it Daesh because it insults them is BS. It is a way to identify them without using the word Islam as an identifier.

You really want us to believe that calling them Daesh is purposely used to insult them? You fuckers are worried that a cartoon insults them. Are you really certain you want to inflame them and allow the horrible insult of Daesh to be a recruitment tool?

Want to impress us, start calling them Mohammed's Goat Fuckers. But I am sure Daesh is so much more offensive.
Does it matter? Is a life taken by these terrorists in Iraq less valuable then a life taken in the West? Would an ISIS Caliphate run by terrorists be ok in Iraq?

You didn't answer my question first. They are trying to create a caliphate in Iraq.

You are trying to make the argument that Islamic violence is equal opportunity.

The goals in Iraq are different than in the West at this point in time.


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Wow, lot's of assumptions here... :rolleyes:

You really want us to believe that calling them Daesh is purposely used to insult them?

Do I?

You fuckers are worried that a cartoon insults them.

Am I?

Are you really certain you want to inflame them and allow the horrible insult of Daesh to be a recruitment tool?

Am I? Is it?

Want to impress us, start calling them Mohammed's Goat Fuckers. But I am sure Daesh is so much more offensive.

Am I really trying to impress someone?

And you really deduced this all from expressing my condoleances to the victims and their families?

Does it matter? Is a life taken by these terrorists in Iraq less valuable then a life taken in the West? Would an ISIS Caliphate run by terrorists be ok in Iraq?

brown lives are worth less than white lives in BC's world

- - - Updated - - -

Wow, lot's of assumptions here... :rolleyes:

Do I?

Am I?

Am I? Is it?

Am I really trying to impress someone?

And you really deduced this all from expressing my condoleances to the victims and their families?


hotshot lawyer is out BC
Wow, lot's of assumptions here... :rolleyes:

Do I?

Am I?

Am I? Is it?

Am I really trying to impress someone?

And you really deduced this all from expressing my condoleances to the victims and their families?


Yet you didn't address my statement.
"Fuck Daesh"

Was hardly an expression of condolences. It was a statement of frustration and perhaps anger with a bit of PC to not offend Islamists.

It also was the source of my questions, which you either didn't grasp or intentionally overlooked...

Which is understandable.


Closed Account
Yet you didn't address my statement. "Fuck Daesh"

Was hardly an expression of condolences. It was a statement of frustration and perhaps anger with a bit of PC to not offend Islamists.

It also was the source of my questions, which you either didn't grasp or intentionally overlooked...

Which is understandable.

You really seem to lose your shit on the word Daesh. Daesh is the Arabic abbreviaton for ad-Dawla al-Islāmiyya fi al-'Irāq wa-sh-Shām, which we know in the west as ISIS

You really seem to lose your shit on the word Daesh. Daesh is the Arabic abbreviaton for ad-Dawla al-Islāmiyya fi al-'Irāq wa-sh-Shām, which we know in the west as ISIS


Most Westerners don't speak Arabic. It is a way to eliminate the word Islam from the English description. Much like Obama will not say ISIS. He only says ISIL. To include the area that is Israel. The semantics by the left are really entertaining when you pay attention. Straight out of Marx's playbook.


Closed Account
Most Westerners don't speak Arabic. It is a way to eliminate the word Islam from the English description. Much like Obama will not say ISIS. He only says ISIL. To include the area that is Israel. The semantics by the left are really entertaining when you pay attention. Straight out of Marx's playbook.


BC, you really should know when to quit. I lke a good discussion but there's no use to prolong a debate because you misunderstood or wanted to read something that is not there. Or whatever. As Iceman pointed out in another thread, we have double standards when it comes to terrorist attacks. He's right. Therefore I'm expressing my condoleances for what happend in Iraq because of scumbags ISIS.

Thanks for fucking it up.
Goodnight, I'm off to bed.
If hating radical Islamic terror is wrong, I don't wanna be right.

I guess it is way past your bedtime there.

Go to an Easter egg hunt or something tomorrow. :)