Is your signifiicant other ok with porn or do you check it out on the sneak?

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
My ex was totally opposed, but she was ignorant with computers. It's simple to hide something when people don't know where to look. It's just easier to lie and say you don't have any porn than to listen to more nagging. Plus, it's just a small lie. And it wasn't nearly as big as the lie that I don't check out other women all the time.

Always remember my three words to live by: bitches be crazy.
My wife and I both enjoy porn. She has her stash and I have mine. Sometimes we get together and enjoy it together, but most of the time, it's just partaking on a singular level. She knows I visit and doesn't mind. I don't come here for the porn. I just stick around to hear what's going on in porn, talk to some of the stars, and meet others with similar tastes.
I didn't think she would be, but she is really starting to love porn. And she is a member here also, though she only has posted a few times.
I know that the flash dr. seems a little low tech now, because people have zunes and ipods, but I still find Flash Drives very easy to use instead


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
I have no significant other so I watch pretty much what I want...even porn
my gf is cool about it , i don't hide the fact that i like to check out porn and sometimes we share it.the worst thing shereacts to is bad porn ,stuff she considers "goofy" or what not otherwise we are good.
She don't know ultimately. However she does know I check out famous ass and tits. Thing is, I don't know.... she definitely don't know about Kimmy.
Every time I click the internet icon, the first place I go is to freeones. Hell,....I might as well make it my homepage, but to my significant other this is a no-no!