Is this not the perfect "leg"acy for Dubya?


"The community of nations may see more and more of the
very kind of threat Iraq poses now: a rogue state with
weapons of mass destruction, ready to use them or
provide them to terrorists. If we fail to respond
today, Saddam and all those who would follow in his
footsteps will be emboldened tomorrow." Bill Clinton
(D) in 1998.

"Iraq is not the only nation in the world to possess
weapons of mass destruction, but it is the only nation
with a leader who has used them against his own
people." Tom Daschle (D) 1998.

"We have known for many years that Saddam Hussein is
seeking and developing weapons of mass destruction."
Ted Kennedy (D) September 27, 2002.

"There is no doubt that Saddam Hussein's regime is a
serious danger, that he is a tyrant, and that his
pursuit of lethal weapons of mass destruction cannot
be tolerated. He must be disarmed." Ted Kennedy (D)
Sept 27, 2002.

Don't blame me, I'm neither dem nor rep.

There's about 40 more quotes, if you'd like.
Where do we insert "phony WMD Intel" and "presented to Congress"? Before Teddy or After Teddy?

Clinton's comments were made when the "Oil for Food" program was about to be installed, right? Granted, that was a failed program, but it wasn't a bad idea at the time...
Where do we insert "phony WMD Intel" and "presented to Congress"? Before Teddy or After Teddy?

Clinton's comments were made when the "Oil for Food" program was about to be installed, right? Granted, that was a failed program, but it wasn't a bad idea at the time...

I would add that while I do not defend those comments by some top democrates as I think they are over the top in how severe they are making the threat out to be that was posed by Iraq.And I do not give them a pass on it because of so-called bad intel.They should have known better then to be so strident about the threat from a country with no known nukes and no delivery system for such types of weapons.But only one person decided to actually invade and that is GWB.Bad rhetoric is one thing ,actually invading is something totally different.
I saw a debate about Bush the other night on MSNBC and Chris Matthews point was there was absolutely nothing Saddam could have done to avoid being invaded the way GWB had framed the issue.GWB was demanding Saddam bring out his WMDs and destroy them in the full view of the world.This of course was impossible for Saddam to comply with as he had none to bring out.So his point was that it was apparent GWB was bound and determined to invade no matter what.The other point made by another panelist was given that the Bush administration obviously had been planning the invasion its truly appalling how badly handled (not enough troops,not ready for an insurgency following the invasion etc) it was.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
"The community of nations may see more and more of the
very kind of threat Iraq poses now: a rogue state with
weapons of mass destruction, ready to use them or
provide them to terrorists. If we fail to respond
today, Saddam and all those who would follow in his
footsteps will be emboldened tomorrow." Bill Clinton
(D) in 1998.

"Iraq is not the only nation in the world to possess
weapons of mass destruction, but it is the only nation
with a leader who has used them against his own
people." Tom Daschle (D) 1998.

"We have known for many years that Saddam Hussein is
seeking and developing weapons of mass destruction."
Ted Kennedy (D) September 27, 2002.

"There is no doubt that Saddam Hussein's regime is a
serious danger, that he is a tyrant, and that his
pursuit of lethal weapons of mass destruction cannot
be tolerated. He must be disarmed." Ted Kennedy (D)
Sept 27, 2002.

Don't blame me, I'm neither dem nor rep.

There's about 40 more quotes, if you'd like.

Difference is, those who were conned in to voting for war due to the bullshit intel later admitted their regret over having done so once the truth was known. Bush never has and continues to hold his ground until this very day. Besides, what do Saddam's supposed wmds have to do with Al-Qaeda?

It's almost pitiful watching Bush these last few days of his terribly disastrous administration. I almost feel sorry for him in a very weird kind of way.

As FOMM stated above...."George just go"
I would add that while I do not defend those comments by some top democrates as I think they are over the top in how severe they are making the threat out to be that was posed by Iraq.And I do not give them a pass on it because of so-called bad intel.They should have known better then to be so strident about the threat from a country with no known nukes and no delivery system for such types of weapons.But only one person decided to actually invade and that is GWB.Bad rhetoric is one thing ,actually invading is something totally different.

I give them a "pass" on believing "bad intel" because most of them did not believe or could not believe that the president would use 9/11 to fabricate a war for profit for his cronyies. Where I do hold anger for the Dems is that they have let "the nation" down in not bringing an end to the War in Iraq after 2006. The president didn't have to dummy up any intel for anyone with a brain in Congress to realize Dubya/Cheney/Rummy had no exit strategy and were "kicking the can down the road" for the next president to deal with...:mad:

They've basically cowered to a "limp" president for 2 years and it's even sadder now that that president has been reduced to a sad little puppy in the eyes of the world basically....


It's almost pitiful watching Bush these last few days of his terribly disastrous administration. I almost feel sorry for him in a very weird kind of way.

Not Me ! :D

On the intel - Was it "bad", "false" or "pre fabricated - agenda driven" intel ?
IIRC - Even the Russians believed (or claimed they did) that the said intel was credible, did they not ? . .. or were they simply playing into "our bad hand" of cards ? :yesyes:

All in all, the war sure buffered the politicians' stock portfolios. I get the insider trade game . . . I get it :rolleyes:. Do I have proof ? Yea, I wasn't born yesterday. ;) Greed crosses part lines ? Unbelievable !!
IIRC - Even the Russians believed (or claimed they did) that the said intel was credible, did they not ? . .. or were they simply playing into "our bad hand" of cards ? :yesyes:

They were playing into our bad hand if by playing into our bad hand you mean sitting back, lighting up a fat cuban and laughing while Dubya plunges our country and economy into chaos......


The only difference that I have with the majority, here, in this thread, is that,
I believe that there's plenty of blame to go around.

That's it. ;)

Oh, and also, that the so called "war" could have been wrapped up, lickity split, if it hadn't been for the generous stock portfolio kickbacks to our "leaders" in both the D & R parties, from the likes of Halliburton, General Dynamics, BAE etc.

Feed That War Machine ! Feed the politicians !:D


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
At this point the question is "Where will the journalist be waterboarded'? :confused:

Yeah well, on that note, as long as the Darth Vader of the Bush administration is out of the way, I don't think that will happen (unless the Iraqis take a page from his insidious book). Of course, he still has over a month to torture other people so maybe he can take some solace in that:

You want to debate whether Bush was the worst president ever? Well, there can be NO debate over the worst VP ever in my book. This guy is the epitome of evil.


No more "weird ways" pity for this man, Jags ;), he rides off into the sunset as a wealthy, war pig, sheltered from the very real world that he failed to recognize during his pres. tenure.
Cut Bait, not wood ! :nono: :D
Too bad Saddam wasn't still around, the shoe thrower could have thrown it at Saddam, then he would have been clogged to death by shoes in public that hour, put in a meat grinder and then sold as hamburger to the villagers for a tasty treat! Any one up for some solent green?

Damn I miss the good old arab days!! would make great real tv. instead of boring Paris Hilton crap!

but what the hell we still have iran that stone women that are innocent rape victims. put that on tv. nothing like seeing a woman getting killed for being an innocent victim of a vicious crime.

They would like to kill all of us just for this site as porn is not allowed.

But oh well lets talk about the American President.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
No more "weird ways" pity for this man, Jags ;), he rides off into the sunset as a wealthy, war pig, sheltered from the very real world that he failed to recognize during his pres. tenure.
Cut Bait, not wood ! :nono: :D

Dude....I am one of the biggest Bush-bashers here. (you should know that!). The pity I feel for him is based on the obvious total oblivious notion he has about his own presidency. It's a "pity" that someone would be so blind to his own inadequacies and mistakes. It's a "pity" that the USA and the world had to endure this debacle.

The sorrow I feel for him is based on his "pitiful" perception of his own that he perceives to be righteous. He truly believes his own nonsensical rhetoric. If that isn't worthy of pity, I don't know what is. If only he would admit how badly he fucked up....I predict he never will.

As far as Bush the man goes.....fuck him. He's a miserable, elitist cocksucker as far as I am concerned. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and was a total failure at everything he ever attempted (Harken, Arbusto, the Texas Rangers, Governor of Texas (HOW the fuck anyone was conned into voting for him as president is WAY beyond me) and, finally, a miserable, failed president of the USA. He'll no doubt live out the rest of his years in royal luxury while those he ruled over struggle to even pay their bills and mourn their dead relatives and friends in a needless and immoral war that he championed (and still does to this day). His inevitable autobiography ought to be one of the worst pieces of fictional fantasy to ever don a book cover. Good riddance to the worst president....BY ever assume the office.

Hopefully this clarifies my position on the matter. :D
Is there a statute of limitations (or a game clock) on impeachment?
Not sure what you mean really.Impeachment at this point would be out of the question.He is about to leave.Thats all impeachment is about,removal from office.George's day is done,he will ride off to enjoy the glow of his glorious presidency as he leaves america in much worse shape then he found it.