Is the World Coming to an End...?

... or is it media hype?

I was posting in another thread about an atrocious, and unthinkable attack and I started to wonder about the debate between two notions:

1. The world is growing more violent, perverse, hateful, and dangerous.

Terrorist threats at every turn, in all nations world-wide. Genocidal governments. Violent video games. Crooked sports heroes. Populatiry of villainous behaviour.


2. We are overexposed.

Has the news media and the internet opened our eyes to things that have been here all along?

Just wanting to start some educated discussions (between masturbation sessions:wave2:) on whether or not the world is reaching a "Critical Mass" from which there is no return... or are we seeing things through clearer eyes?


what the fuck you lookin at?
I for one couldn't give a fuck less.

dick van cock

Closed Account
Hannah And Her Sisters said:
MICKEY (gesturing)
A Bud--? That's totally alien to me. Look, you're getting on in years, right? Aren't you afraid of dying?

Mickey's father walks offscreen again, to the kitchen sink.

FATHER (offscreen) Why should I be afraid?

MICKEY (loudly gesturing)
Oh! 'Cause you won't exist!

FATHER (offscreen) So?

MICKEY (gesturing)
That thought doesn't terrify you?

Mickey's father walks out of the kitchen, past his son, to
the living room.

FATHER (waving his arm)
Who thinks about such nonsense? Now I'm alive. When I'm dead, I'll be dead.

MICKEY (following his father, gesturing)
I don't understand. Aren't you frightened?

FATHER (offscreen)
Of what? I'll be unconscious.

MICKEY (turning and walking down the hallway)
Yeah, I know. But never to exist again!

FATHER (offscreen)
How do you know?

Well, it certainly doesn't look promising.

Mickey stops at the bathroom door at the other end of the
hallway. He starts to pound it.

Who knows what'll be?

Mickey's father comes back on screen; he's carrying a plate
of hors d'oeuvres and an empty glass towards the kitchen.
He stops and looks down the hall at Mickey, who's now
struggling to open the bathroom door.

FATHER (gesturing with his hands full)
I'll either be unconscious or I won't. If not, I'll deal with it then. I'm not gonna worry now about what's gonna be when I'm unconscious.



what the fuck you lookin at?
Thanks for you're brilliant insight. Perhaps an opinion from anyone who isn't a self-loathing, suicide-rate-increasing douche???

Your calling me a douche? First off :ban:
Flaming isn't allowed here.

Secondly :thefinger you sir. You don't know me so don't go making assumptions about me.

Just cause I don't care if the world is coming to an end or not does not make me a risk for suicide. I just chose to not worry about things until such time as I need to!
I will give ya a serious answer.Is the world ending ,what I guess you really mean is mankind ending, who knows?But everything ends eventually,dinosaurs reign ended and I would bet our reign is shorter than theres as they never developed ways to destroy themselves on a mass scale like humans have with eithier WMDs or destroying our enviorment.But I do not think the kinds of things you mentioned like fairly routine crimes which are really nothing new in the world indicate the world is ending.Those kinds of things have been happening forever and man survived,you do just hear about a lot more of them now with all the media and communication in the world these days.


Hiliary 2020
Thanks for you're brilliant insight. Perhaps an opinion from anyone who isn't a self-loathing, suicide-rate-increasing douche???

I think sarcasm followed by personal attacks are what will end the human race.

Or maybe "over-population and inflation and starvation and the crazy politician ? "
No, the "world" is not coming to an end. It's been around for an estimated 4.5 billion years! It's seen a lot of shit in it's day, far from over. Mankind, we'll probably have our day I'm sure, probably not any time soon though. If we keep populating and using up the worlds resources, and being greedy little selfish bastards like we sometimes are, we're fucked. We're beginning to take our world a lot more seriously nowadays, and the momentum is increasing, I think we're going to be okay.


Staff member
The world after world war I became more violent, it is often mentioned in the bible that a bad time will come, perhaps we are in the process. Let's not forget this famous latin saying "Homo mene lupus". The man is a wolf for the man. The man always saw his interests and always used any methods to have absolute control and power because of this a lot of things changed not necessarily for the best.
Your calling me a douche? First off :ban:
Flaming isn't allowed here.

Secondly :thefinger you sir. You don't know me so don't go making assumptions about me.

Just cause I don't care if the world is coming to an end or not does not make me a risk for suicide. I just chose to not worry about things until such time as I need to!

First, let me apologise. I am in an emotional state right now. It was a knee-jerk reaction, and for that I am sorry. I should have thought before I posted.

However... If you have nothing to add, please just leave.
No, the "world" is not coming to an end. It's been around for an estimated 4.5 billion years! It's seen a lot of shit in it's day, far from over. Mankind, we'll probably have our day I'm sure, probably not any time soon though. If we keep populating and using up the worlds resources, and being greedy little selfish bastards like we sometimes are, we're fucked. We're beginning to take our world a lot more seriously nowadays, and the momentum is increasing, I think we're going to be okay.

4.5 Billion years old? When I visited the Creation Museum, I thought for sure they told me that the world was 7,000ish years old. Check out this picture that proves it!!!


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Don't we have an article on this already? About the 2012 thing?


are you talking to me?
sooner or later things will clear up...just be patient


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
First, let me apologise. I am in an emotional state right now. It was a knee-jerk reaction, and for that I am sorry. I should have thought before I posted.

However... If you have nothing to add, please just leave.

Not to speak for Legz, but I think what is he saying is that it simply isn't worth worrying about. If it happens, he'll deal with the consequences. This attitude is summed up in a song by Hank Williams, Jr......

If the sun don't come up tomorrow
People, I have had a good time
I'm just laid up here
In a country state of mind
- "Country State of Mind"

We should all do whatever we can to protect the environment, promote peace and to ensure the continuation of the species. If you get right down to it, procreation is really the only reason for our existence. Nearly every species that has ever existed on the face of the planet is now extinct. I seriously doubt that Homo Sapiens is the manifest culmination of several billion years of evolution. I am sure that some day, hopefully far into the future, that we also shall be replaced by a higher life form. Until then, I like the Hank Williams Jr. way of looking at it.
According to Nostradomus, and the Myan calander, the world is supposed to end on Dec. 21 2012. I personally will believe it when I see it.
I think that the human race is weakening itself. We are the only species that allows its weak and feeble to survive. We are the only species that does not actively compete for resources. We're too busy worrying about everyone's "feelings" to do anything to help ourselves. We've also set the bar way too high where "success" is concerned. It's no longer good enough to have a white picket fence, 2 cars and 2.4 children, and even if it was, for many people that goal just seems so unattainable that it leads to depression and despair.
Mankind as a species has lost its competitive edge. I don't like to say I believe in a god, but I do have some faith in the balancing power of nature, which I guess it could be argued is the same thing, and I expect that nature will eventually notice our softness and cull the herd one way or another.
I also think that the lack of new frontiers is leading to restlessness and boredom among our species, and this could contribute to the huge numbers of people who choose to prey upon society or attempt to withdraw from it completely rather than be a productive part of it.
I think our society is setting itself up to crumble, just as many have before. I suspect that the upper echelon will be able to hold it together for a while with an ever-tightening grip, but sooner or later, something has to give, and bring about a new order, but probably not before a period of mankind returning to a much more primal and instinctive way of life.