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Is Sam Fisher the reason Lurky is gone?

I do it because it bothers the fuck out of you, Sam. In all honesty, that is the truth. You act like such a little cunt when someone does not like you, it is rather comedic.
Fortunately, I know your true life is worth absolutely nothing. You are a very lonely, insignificant man. A man whose life has meant nothing, and will mean nothing when you die, alone. A life whose has touched no one else, a soul unable to interact with those you encounter in real life, let alone the cyber world. Combined with you being part of the fading race of angry white guys, your insignificance grows. Even your pictures show a sad, lonely, decaying life - you might be posing with the cycle booth babes, but they will pose with anyone. Otherwise, there is no interaction with you and others, who look upon you with complete indifference. And these you consider to be the photographic highlights of your life.
So, you attempt to compensate by being the destructive wannabe that you are. Because of the pure insignificance of your life, you at first tried flooding the board with inane threads and comments, to bring attention to yourself. Unfortunately for yourself, it only highlighted your insignificance and worthlessness. Of course, your ego tried to tell you that everyone loved you - your classic melt down when you found that Andronicus' "Cool story, bro'" was meant to demean you, and not to celebrate was a joy for the rest of us to watch. And so you became the classic troll, intent on destroying the board, intent on running those who can actually coherently convey their thoughts off the board.
And, of course, you have taken full credit for the rule changes. Here is a twist for you, though: It was not done for you, it was done for everyone else. It was not done so that we could see your spamming, your trolling, your insignificance. It was done so the rest of us could consistently remind you that you are, indeed, and insignificant little cunt - without repercussions. The rules were done in spite of you, not for you. While the rules were still being enforced, you were one of the biggest bitches when someone crossed you. You acted as the immature, mentally unstable cunt in which you are. And when you were banned (twice) instead of those you marked as your enemy, you cried even harder. Even as the rules changed and those changes became more apparent, you continued to cry that the big boys were picking on you, with no allies but will. No, the changes were not done for you - they were done because of you and to spite you.
Fortunately, the life of a troll is a short one, virtually and in reality. Eventually, the board will have rules again, and you will be a casualty, one not missed, but chuckled at for years in the same breath as the likes of baconsalt. Your real life ticks away quickly, as well, as anger eats away at a person's soul and slowly kills them. And once you are put in the ground, no one will miss you, your insignificant life becoming an insignificant statistic.

Let's break this down, sentence by sentence, or paragraph by paragraph shall we??

1. I do it because it bothers the fuck out of you, Sam.

Actually, I get a kick out of it. How many times have you openly said you are finished with me and not going to respond and or, reply to me and my posts?

2. In all honesty, that is the truth.

Really? What would you know about truth? You can't even keep your promise to not reply to me and my posts.

3. You act like such a little cunt when someone does not like you, it is rather comedic.

Again with the accusations. Um.... who just went on rant about someone who is "insignificant"? But back to your comment - Actually, I don't give a rat's ass who likes me and who doesn't. Especially you.

4. Fortunately, I know your true life is worth absolutely nothing. You are a very lonely, insignificant man. A man whose life has meant nothing, and will mean nothing when you die, alone. A life whose has touched no one else, a soul unable to interact with those you encounter in real life, let alone the cyber world.

And now you possess the ability to judge someone's life, and determined whether or not they are worthy and whether their life has touched anyone else? Hey... step outside the cyber world once in a while. You might actually find that everyone isn't just like you. Heed Dirk's advice (and your own) and ignore me or better yet, why not take a sabbatical for a while like Dirk did?

5. Combined with you being part of the fading race of angry white guys, your insignificance grows. Even your pictures show a sad, lonely, decaying life - you might be posing with the cycle booth babes, but they will pose with anyone. Otherwise, there is no interaction with you and others, who look upon you with complete indifference. And these you consider to be the photographic highlights of your life.

Unlike you, I am not afraid to post a photo of what I look like in real life. You live constantly behind the photo of a dead hippie, who really never amounted to anything more than a lousy musician. And look where it got him. Shot down by a lunatic.

6. So, you attempt to compensate by being the destructive wannabe that you are. Because of the pure insignificance of your life, you at first tried flooding the board with inane threads and comments, to bring attention to yourself. Unfortunately for yourself, it only highlighted your insignificance and worthlessness.

Where as everyone else in here posts such high standard, literary topics like: "Who's asshole would you most like to see gaped?" And, "Would you punch a handicapped person in the mouth for 50,000 dollars?" Shall I continue, Stan? Or, maybe you and every other "Ernest Hemingway" in here can go back and read the millions of topics and posts that will show them to be great.... uh, how should I say it? ..... excellent literary works????

7. And, of course, you have taken full credit for the rule changes.

That's a lie and you know it. Perhaps it was the guy who was here for a very short time... joilover was his name. Seems to me he was the one who brought the hypocrisy to the forefront, concerning the fact that many in here had free reign to do and say as they wished, yet others were banned simply because they weren't "cool".

8. It was done so the rest of us could consistently remind you that you are, indeed, and insignificant little cunt - without repercussions. The rules were done in spite of you, not for you. While the rules were still being enforced, you were one of the biggest bitches when someone crossed you. You acted as the immature, mentally unstable cunt in which you are. And when you were banned (twice) instead of those you marked as your enemy, you cried even harder. Even as the rules changed and those changes became more apparent, you continued to cry that the big boys were picking on you, with no allies but will. No, the changes were not done for you - they were done because of you and to spite you.

Take a deep breath. Re-read the above paragraph again. Is this how you argue your case in the real world? Face to face with an other person (that word again) "an insignificant cunt", and... "an immature, mentally unstable cunt." My guess is you weren't on the high school Debating Team, were you?

9. Eventually, the board will have rules again, and you will be a casualty, one not missed, but chuckled at for years in the same breath as the likes of baconsalt. Your real life ticks away quickly, as well, as anger eats away at a person's soul and slowly kills them. And once you are put in the ground, no one will miss you, your insignificant life becoming an insignificant statistic.

Regardless, I will stay within the boundaries set forth by the owners. Oh, and it's funny how you mentioned "Your real life ticks away quickly, as well, as "anger eats away at a person's soul and slowly kills them." lol... you seem to be the one who is bent out of shape and being eaten alive by anger. It certainly isn't me.

In a previous thread, you said I was insignificant. Yet here you are (again!) bloviating and rambling on like a nut job. Over what? The fact that I don't adhere to your lifestyle and you don't adhere to mine? Welcome to the REAL world, chum!

And by the way. Ever here of the word - Paragraph? You know, separating them so that it's easier to read and comprehend. Try it sometime... you might not come off looking like a rambling, out of control, babbling, burned out nobody.



My Penis Is Dancing!
If anyone has any opions that differ from yours then that person is a insignificant man?

You need calm down and understand that people have many options and if someone thinks differently than you it does not mean that this person is your enemy.

I've quite a few very close friends who have opinions differing from mine, in quite a few ways. Just because a person such as yourself and Sam are unable to see that there are more than two choices to life does not mean everyone else has the same world viewpoint. There are many here who have differing opinions than mine that I respect: boobjustboob, Andronicus, whimsy, Jaggar. I've differing viewpoints from those who are politically akin to myself - but that does not in any way make me hate them. However, they have redeeming qualities. Sam does not.
Sam is not my enemy. My enemy would have significance. As I have said, Sam is insignificant. Sam is a case study for me. That is what I do - I study people. Sometimes, I throw in something which causes a reaction. Sam is very easily manipulated - his emotions are quite basic, easily read, easily controlled. I consider him an enemy as much as a lab technician considers a lab mouse his or her enemy. Once again, the world is not painted in just black and white - it has many grey areas, and only those who would live their lives in such simplicity as yourself would fail to understand this.
I'm pretty sure we all come here out of boredom or to fap. He's probably busy and getting laid, so why come here?


My Penis Is Dancing!
Aw, how cute. A paragraph by paragraph answer. Not at all worthy of a read, but good for a chuckle. I love getting into the heads of the weak.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
No, Dirk isn't posting anymore because this place blows now. And while Sam isn't solely responsible for that, he is a contributing factor.

^^^What he said! :yesyes:

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Has anyone sent him an e-mail, or something? I mean, it could be a family, or medical reason.

Well, that's possible, I guess. I mean, you think he could have something like a brain tumor or severe psychosis and his family has multiple restraining orders against him, and that's why he's so incredibly fucked up? I don't have his email and I doubt he'd respond to me anyway. But yeah, maybe that's what's wrong with Fisher. :dunno:

Oh wait, you meant... My bad.


Lord Dipstick
Just curious. I'm not following the Talk section so much anymore, but I kinda come to the conclusion he is the reason.

He probably is a troll, but I never minded Sam too much. But if he IS the reason my Lurky left, then I hate him and want him to be banned.

That is all.
Go beg for feet pics and occupy Briana Lee threads....:facepalm:


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Of course, your ego tried to tell you that everyone loved you - your classic melt down when you found that Andronicus' "Cool story, bro'" was meant to demean you, and not to celebrate was a joy for the rest of us to watch.

Where was this again?


My Penis Is Dancing!
Where was this again?

I probably have the timeline off, but I seem to remember it was about a year ago. Unfortunately, I cannot remember the context, nor the thread in question - nor even the forum. I am thinking it was a thread Sam started.
I do remember, Andronicus replying "Cool story, bro'." That was it. Sam was in fucking heaven. He thought he had found an friend, someone to fight at his side. Once the record was finally set straight, the crying commenced. That is when Sam began trolling Andronicus, and his love of the Cubs, attempting to remind him that the Cubs suck. Only problem is, Andronicus was unfazed and knows the Cubs are not a very good ballclub.
Not sure why, but the thing sticks out on the pathetic being known as "Sam".

EDIT: Found it. Search is my friend. It actually took place in two threads, but this is the thread where you can literally hear Sam's heart break:

Can someone post links to conservative and liberal message boards? I'm too lazy to look for some right now. My drink is starting to make me sleepy.

Maybe a link to boards like that will keep us conservatives and liberals occupied over there with our "Obama sucks" or "Obama is my god" arguments.

Though the politics section should be good enough to keep political arguments over there apart from the regular talk and shooting the shit threads. :tongue:

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Not sure why, but the thing sticks out on the pathetic being known as "Sam".

EDIT: Found it. Search is my friend. It actually took place in two threads, but this is the thread where you can literally hear Sam's heart break:


Damn, I had completely forgotten about that thread. The fucking dumbass thought cool story, bro was a heartfelt sentiment. What a sad and pathetic old man.

His ass was so completely owned in that thread that it was almost sad.

Side note: Go Giants! Or, on the off chance that Sam switched his allegiance again, Go Cardinals! You never know what team he is going to cheer for from day to day. Also, I predicted that the Cubs would lose 100 games this year. They overachieved and lost 101. There's always next year though....


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
I do it because it bothers the fuck out of you, Sam. In all honesty, that is the truth. You act like such a little cunt when someone does not like you, it is rather comedic.
Fortunately, I know your true life is worth absolutely nothing. You are a very lonely, insignificant man. A man whose life has meant nothing, and will mean nothing when you die, alone. A life whose has touched no one else, a soul unable to interact with those you encounter in real life, let alone the cyber world. Combined with you being part of the fading race of angry white guys, your insignificance grows. Even your pictures show a sad, lonely, decaying life - You Might be posing with the cycle booth babes, but they will pose with anyone. Otherwise, there is no interaction with you and others, who look upon you with complete indifference. And these you consider to be the photographic highlights of your life.
So, you attempt to compensate by being the destructive wannabe that you are. Because of the pure insignificance of your life, you at first tried flooding the board with inane threads and comments, to bring attention to yourself. Unfortunately for yourself, it only highlighted your insignificance and worthlessness. Of course, your ego tried to tell you that everyone loved you - your classic melt down when you found that Andronicus' "Cool story, bro'" was meant to demean you, and not to celebrate was a joy for the rest of us to watch. And so you became the classic troll, intent on destroying the board, intent on running those who can actually coherently convey their thoughts off the board.
And, of course, you have taken full credit for the rule changes. Here is a twist for you, though: It was not done for you, it was done for everyone else. It was not done so that we could see your spamming, your trolling, your insignificance. It was done so the rest of us could consistently remind you that you are, indeed, and insignificant little cunt - without repercussions. The rules were done in spite of you, not for you. While the rules were still being enforced, you were one of the biggest bitches when someone crossed you. You acted as the immature, mentally unstable cunt in which you are. And when you were banned (twice) instead of those you marked as your enemy, you cried even harder. Even as the rules changed and those changes became more apparent, you continued to cry that the big boys were picking on you, with no allies but will. No, the changes were not done for you - they were done because of you and to spite you.
Fortunately, the life of a troll is a short one, virtually and in reality. Eventually, the board will have rules again, and you will be a casualty, one not missed, but chuckled at for years in the same breath as the likes of baconsalt. Your real life ticks away quickly, as well, as anger eats away at a person's soul and slowly kills them. And once you are put in the ground, no one will miss you, your insignificant life becoming an insignificant statistic.


But how can you talk that way to a veteran?!? He served in the Navy...err....Air Force? No wait, it was the Guardian Angels or something like that.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
EDIT: Found it. Search is my friend. It actually took place in two threads, but this is the thread where you can literally hear Sam's heart break:


I'm thinking that Sammy rode a short bus to high school until he graduated... at the ripe old age of 23.

That really is pretty sad. The dude puts the "c" in clueless. Course, he probably spells it with a "k"... but just the same.


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
Fuck. You know I started a thread SPECIFICALLY for the purpose of picking on sam, yet you persist in doing it here! :(