Is Right-Wing Media Responsible for Right-Wing Violence?

Jon Stewart has it about right in a Daily Show segment entitled - BLAME.
(June 16 2009) (8:00-14:05)

Stewart: "You know what,... maybe we're all to blame, and no one's to blame. You can't crazy proof the world and you can't restrain public discourse only to levels that won't provoke the craziest among us."

The real issue:
Plenty of Left-Wing (crack) Pots calling Right-Wing Kettles Black.
Plenty of Right-Wing (crack) Pots calling Left-Wing Kettles Black.

Let's look at both sides....

Could it be a Liberal smear campaign attempting to paint pundits on the Right as responsible for the Violence?....:

Here's our "balanced" :rolleyes: Keith Olbermann linking Rush Limbaugh to Holocaust Museum killer Von Brunn. (8:47 in above video)
(Yes, once again I have no doubt someone will say "where pray tell is Olbermann's liberal bias?" "I just don't see it" :dunno:)

Stewart responds.... "Yes! Von Brunn is a Limbaugh disciple! ... um .. although can you really be someone's disciple, if 12 years before Rush was even on national radio you published Zionist Rape of the Holy Land ... the insidious Limbaugh and his violence inspiring time-machine!! (drat!):mad:"

Other Liberals wanted to blame it on the NRA: "Why does an 88 year old psycho have access to weapons? Because groups like the NRA make it possible"

Stewart responds.."Yes!! The NRA did it! How could they allow this man to get a hold of the .... 22 caliber, almost antique, squirrel shooting rifle he had?? ... The NRA has got to embrace an 80 year waiting period on gun purchases .... Solved!"

What about the Right-Wing pundits? Will they make the sensible case that they are entitled to free speech and these wackos are responsible for their own actions?

Well yes..

Rush Limbaugh: "This Jew-hater yesterday was a nut ... I doubt that he was influenced by anything other than his own mental illness.

Bill O'Reilley: "My constitutional right says, I can say what I say, you say what you say. As vile as you say it - you can say it - and I would never condemn you for saying it"

and no.. (back to the blame game)

Rush Limbaugh: If anything this guy's beliefs, this guy's hate, stems from influence you find on the Left. Not on the Right."

Bill O'Reilley: "I would never condemn you for saying it, you have blood on your hands"

Don't expect the hypocrisy to end any time soon....

I am all for constructive criticism but I am not going to tolerate the intolerance of leftists (no matter the website where I am member), on that trust me.
That's what gets to me. The left complains about the "intolerance" of the right, especially the religious right, but I find it ironic how much a "religion" the left can be on many things. Al Gore is probably the biggest poster child of how bad "that church" can be.

All that matters to me is that my rights are preserved. The left and right keep arguing how various rights are not as important as theirs. I'm tired of both of them destroying all rights collectively. That continues to be my major complaint, among select, other analysts.
Re: "intolerance"

That's what gets to me. The left complains about the "intolerance" of the right, especially the religious right, but I find it ironic how much a "religion" the left can be on many things. Al Gore is probably the biggest poster child of how bad "that church" can be.

All that matters to me is that my rights are preserved. The left and right keep arguing how various rights are not as important as theirs. I'm tired of both of them destroying all rights collectively. That continues to be my major complaint, among select, other analysts.

Well said. I think there are plenty on BOTH sides that are hypocrites when it comes to freedom. Some on the right want to tell you what you can and cannot do in your personal life, while they left censors speech though PC and tell us what to spend out money on... :rolleyes:
Re: "intolerance"

That's what gets to me. The left complains about the "intolerance" of the right, especially the religious right, but I find it ironic how much a "religion" the left can be on many things. Al Gore is probably the biggest poster child of how bad "that church" can be.

All that matters to me is that my rights are preserved. The left and right keep arguing how various rights are not as important as theirs. I'm tired of both of them destroying all rights collectively. That continues to be my major complaint, among select, other analysts.

We know intolerance is practiced generally by the extremes of both sides. The difference and problem is the extremes on the right are generally mainstream on the right. And it produces a shrill echo chamber where the only value is winning politically often times at the expense of what's right (or correct if you will).
Re: "intolerance"

The difference and problem is the extremes on the right are generally mainstream on the right.
Really? Does that say more about the right or does that say more about your political affiliation?

I guess I'm a right-winger then. I believe in the first and second amendments, and criticize both the left and right on both.

I believe in the government staying out of everyone's private lives as well as everyone's pocket books. I believe the government's concept of "group rights" only serves to destroy not only individual and fiscal rights, but actually serves both groups and community worse than individual choice and charity.

I believe "intolerance" also applies when you don't allow people to think in any way, or worse yet, reduce their views to those of racists, haters, etc... E.g., I'm still wishing for people to explain to me how popular environmentalism is not a church, and Al Gore isn't one of the newfound high priests, because of the blind faith without understand and utter hypocrisy that surrounds both.

It is not extreme to believe in either the right to bear arms and the right of anyone to marry whomever they want. Why the left insists that right-wingers are "extreme" in their right to bear arms and the right insists that left-wingers are "extreme" in their right to marry who they wish is beyond me.

In fact, don't even try to make the argument on what is "mainstream" on both sides, because there are enough people on the right who believe gay marriage is equally right to a man and woman and enough people on the left who believe the right to bear arms is equally important with the first Amendment.

So, again, where do you come up with this? You must watch Fox News and think it's the rule? I know a lot of Republicans who do not watch Fox News, because they take it to an extreme. I know a lot of Democrats who won't watch the News period because of the attitudes and guilt non-sense.

I think Jon Stewart hit it on the nose, and he's not the only one. Right-wing radio is popular because a lot of Republicans work, but work in middle class jobs in offices where they can listen to radio. But it doesn't mean Republicans agree with Rush, much less agree he is their spokesman. It's something that people on the left are pushing so they have an easier target.

Instead of explaining why the policies of W. actually haven't changed. That's what's bothering me and ... I'm sorry to say it yet again ... "I told you so!" We've got lip service and people like you have ate it up. Gimto is the ultimate example, along with the lobbyist (8?!?!?! WTF are you smoking?!?!?).

I honestly give up. I'm at the end of my sanity in this one. No sense in responding again as long as the Obama apology-denial machine is in full swing among Democrats. I don't blame him for the state of the economy (although I do blame him for further pissing away the value of the dollar -- you'll understand why by late next year -- but that's another story), but I do blame him for the "status quo" that is the reality of what is going on, behind the "lip service."

Ironically -- and more than several analysts on other networks and outlets have point this out -- that Comedy Central is the only place where some people have the balls to point out what is going on now that the political pendulum has allegedly "swung to the other side" -- it hasn't at all, just the excuses have. I guess the irony is that comedy knows no political alignment, unlike other outlets? ;)