Tell us how you really feel, ProfV!!!:rofl:
What you said, is why so many people are upset with the new boss, those who are equally upset with any BS politician who continues the status quo.
I was outraged by the Repubs during the Clinton Admin for wasting so much time on infighting...and now I'm furious at the Dems for the biz as usual crap that puts personal and Party gain ahead of the American Future.
There is no hope of good change as long as millions of hornswoggled O-Zombies refuse to see where the current threat/damage is coming from...not GW, he's not in the building.
The 40s and 50s showed how far out there the American Experience can get, as long as enough people support a Leader who has an agenda.
Ask the Jews who lost millions of family in Europe, how much help Roosevelt was; ask the interned Japanese, or the Nisei (since most of the older Japanese are dead now), or anyone who remembers "Colored" waiting rooms at the bus station and "colored" water fountains; anyone here remember the race wars of the 50s and 60s and how bad things were before the American people decided enough was enough? ...there are many evil actions taken by every admin since the beginning of American History, and both parties have been culpable.
Only the American people can effect the course of the Country, and letting the politicians lead us instead of serve us is the standard course the world has followed for hundreds of years...we were somewhat different in that respect, and I see the weaknesses of "followers" manifesting itself now more than ever.
There is no Messiah for the US of A...just good sense and good will to depend on.
And anyone seeing in only one direction is as good as blind.
Thanks for the insights, ProfV!:thumbsup:
What you said, is why so many people are upset with the new boss, those who are equally upset with any BS politician who continues the status quo.
I was outraged by the Repubs during the Clinton Admin for wasting so much time on infighting...and now I'm furious at the Dems for the biz as usual crap that puts personal and Party gain ahead of the American Future.
There is no hope of good change as long as millions of hornswoggled O-Zombies refuse to see where the current threat/damage is coming from...not GW, he's not in the building.
The 40s and 50s showed how far out there the American Experience can get, as long as enough people support a Leader who has an agenda.
Ask the Jews who lost millions of family in Europe, how much help Roosevelt was; ask the interned Japanese, or the Nisei (since most of the older Japanese are dead now), or anyone who remembers "Colored" waiting rooms at the bus station and "colored" water fountains; anyone here remember the race wars of the 50s and 60s and how bad things were before the American people decided enough was enough? ...there are many evil actions taken by every admin since the beginning of American History, and both parties have been culpable.
Only the American people can effect the course of the Country, and letting the politicians lead us instead of serve us is the standard course the world has followed for hundreds of years...we were somewhat different in that respect, and I see the weaknesses of "followers" manifesting itself now more than ever.
There is no Messiah for the US of A...just good sense and good will to depend on.
And anyone seeing in only one direction is as good as blind.
Thanks for the insights, ProfV!:thumbsup: