Is Right-Wing Media Responsible for Right-Wing Violence?

Yes, Conservative media/groups influences extremism. It's not like al Qaeda is a Liberal islamic group. Or has Fox News already painted al Queda as "Liberal Extremists"?

Conservative voters from the present conservative base--the heartland, the bible belt--are not the "smartest" group of people ever assembled....

The GOP has splintered into 2 factions. The Pro-Business faction and the Pro-Christianity Faction. Dubya united these 2 groups (and betrayed them, according to them). There isn't a GOP candidate around that can unite the two.

Mitt Romney has the Pro-Business vote but not the Pro-Christianity vote (how's that for hypocrisy?)
Sarah Palin has the Pro-Christianity vote but not the Pro-Business vote.
John McCain had the Pro-Business but not the Pro-Christianity
Newt Gingrich has Pro-Business, not Pro-Christianity

Rush has support from both camps. Not that he has any qualification, mind you. Maybe he really is the face of the new GOP?

I've noticed that the Wall St Journal is becoming more and more openly "Christian"
in its editorial and content...

Wow, isn't that funny? Wall Street = Christian

Didn't Jesus turn over the money changers tables?

Your right though, the Journal has been trying to go that way.
The answer to the question is:

The right-wing media is indirectly responsible (and therefore not legally culpable) for encouraging some types of violence. What they say and do is not illegal, and I don't think it should be, but it certainly is reckless and irresponsible and definitely degrades the notion that conservatives represent the values of civility and restraint.

Glenn Beck (and probably others) certainly played a part with Poplawski shooting the police in Pittsburgh.

O'Reilly (and perhaps others) certainly did plenty to egg on Roeder, who shot "Tiller the Killer" abortion doctor.

This Von Brunn guy, I don't think he was necessarily incited or inspired by anyone in right-wing media, but it's certainly possible. He was a real niche kook, although he had much more in common with certain, very specific, right-wing strands. He wasn't a Christian theocrat, but he would critique the GOP for being too "pacifist" - huh???
He was also a total paranoid gun freak. Apparently he thought Obama would send the security guard from the Holocaust Museum to come to his home and take his guns. Yeah, right.

Let's not forget James Adkisson, who shot up the Unitarian church in Knoxville last year - he was clearly, directly inspired by a whole slew of right-wing pundits, from TV, radio, and print:


The answer to the question is:

The right-wing media is indirectly responsible (and therefore not legally culpable) for encouraging some types of violence. What they say and do is not illegal, and I don't think it should be, but it certainly is reckless and irresponsible and definitely degrades the notion that conservatives represent the values of civility and restraint.

Glenn Beck (and probably others) certainly played a part with Poplawski shooting the police in Pittsburgh.

O'Reilly (and perhaps others) certainly did plenty to egg on Roeder, who shot "Tiller the Killer" abortion doctor.

This Von Brunn guy, I don't think he was necessarily incited or inspired by anyone in right-wing media, but it's certainly possible. He was a real niche kook, although he had much more in common with certain, very specific, right-wing strands. He wasn't a Christian theocrat, but he would critique the GOP for being too "pacifist" - huh???
He was also a total paranoid gun freak. Apparently he thought Obama would send the security guard from the Holocaust Museum to come to his home and take his guns. Yeah, right.

Let's not forget James Adkisson, who shot up the Unitarian church in Knoxville last year - he was clearly, directly inspired by a whole slew of right-wing pundits, from TV, radio, and print:

Note to all those who haven't read this poster's other no attention to what he's mostly made up, overly slanted towards the usual Dem paranoia about "Right Wing" activities, and has no basis in any facts unless you count the tenuous connection of the people mentioned having heard some of the commentators (like many millions have around the world and the country, none of whom have attacked any churches or museums).
Most of his posts are similar unless they are bashing Law Enforcement, in which case he links to articles and makes similar slanted comments.
Older members already know this, so no heads up is needed...:thumbsup:
I don't believe there IS any "right wing media".........I haven't seen any.......and as far as the lunatics who gun people down....they go beyond the realm of "right wingedness" correlation.......NONE.

There was Rudy Ridge, Waco, Oklahoma Federal Building bombing, Atlanta Olympic bombing, Birmingham Abortion clinic bombing etc long before there is such thing as Right-Wing Media such as Rush !
Note to all those who haven't read this poster's other no attention to what he's mostly made up, overly slanted towards the usual Dem paranoia about "Right Wing" activities, and has no basis in any facts unless you count the tenuous connection of the people mentioned having heard some of the commentators (like many millions have around the world and the country, none of whom have attacked any churches or museums).
Most of his posts are similar unless they are bashing Law Enforcement, in which case he links to articles and makes similar slanted comments.
Older members already know this, so no heads up is needed...:thumbsup:

Hmmm.... philbert - Why the need to be so paternalistic with other adults on the board? Can't they make up their own minds about me and whatever I write?

Adkisson wasn't simply familiar with the right-wing ranters, his apartment was full of their books and he even directly cited (at least) one of them in the manifesto he left in his vehicle (a la Von Brunn, btw). I encourage all of you to check the link I already posted where you can find the complete, unabridged scanned PDF of Adkisson's manifesto (it's like 6-8 pages, handwritten). Here's an excerpt:

"This was a hate crime. I hate the damn left-wing liberals. There is a vast left-wing conspiracy in this country & these liberals are working together to attack every decent & honorable institution in the nation, trying to turn this country into a communist state. Shame on them....

"This was a symbolic killing. Who I wanted to kill was every Democrat in the Senate & House, the 100 people in Bernard Goldberg's book. I'd like to kill everyone in the mainstream media. But I know those people were inaccessible to me. I couldn't get to the generals & high ranking officers of the Marxist movement so I went after the foot soldiers, the chickenshit liberals that vote in these traitorous people. Someone had to get the ball rolling. I volunteered. I hope others do the same. It's the only way we can rid America of this cancerous pestilence."

"I thought I'd do something good for this Country Kill Democrats til the cops kill me....Liberals are a pest like termites. Millions of them Each little bite contributes to the downfall of this great nation. The only way we can rid ourselves of this evil is to kill them in the streets. Kill them where they gather. I'd like to encourage other like minded people to do what I've done. If life aint worth living anymore don't just kill yourself. do something for your Country before you go. Go Kill Liberals."
The killing in Witicha is an isolated case. There were daily demonstration in and around the abortion clinic and the doctor has been shot and wounded before. 18-wheeler trucks with dead fetus were graphically displayed in front of the clinic. Operation Rescue as well as hundreds of groups demonstrated in front of abortion clinic daily in Witicha for years and years and the Right Wing Media never paid too much attention because it is an old news until the shooting occured.

The Ring-Wing Media is there for celebrity status, for advertisement income and nothing more !

There was Rudy Ridge, Waco, Oklahoma Federal Building bombing, Atlanta Olympic bombing, Birmingham Abortion clinic bombing etc long before there is such thing as Right-Wing Media such as Rush !


Huh??? Limbaugh was already #1 in radio by 1990, and all of those events that you listed happened after that.

Try again?

I thought Right-wing violence was indeed Left-wing violence (and vice-versa :D

Huh??? Limbaugh was already #1 in radio by 1990, and all of those events that you listed happened after that.

Try again?


Rush Limbaugh has nothing to do with Waco, a lunatic who killed 4 ATF agents. The bombing across the

South in the 90's was inspired by ultra-radical anti-abortion movement which has nothing to do with Rush. Rudy Ridge is a fiasco by the FBI

agents and should never have happened. Overzealous FBI agents shot and killed someone they should NOT have been.

So is Rush and his ultra-conservative talk show hosts also resposnibile for Unibomber and the shooting at the Holocaust Memorial at Washington D.C. ?

Rush was and is No. 1 in the 1990's because he is entertaining !!!
One cannot help but notice your contempt for anything other than 1952 USSR politiks :D as well as your increasingly (as of late) anti Christian narrative. That being said :

Personally, I can't type for shit but I got a memory like a steel trap . . :1orglaugh and was simply curious :

You once stated that you were raised as a Catholic, IIRC (?)
and if that is correct, at some point in time you -

Yes, born and raised Catholic. Now, certainly non-practicing Catholic and, really, probably Agnostic.

How I came to this belief--reading and thinking:thumbsup:

I am certainly distrustful of all organized religions, particularly the embarassing evangelical ones in this country.

The Catholic Church is out of touch with today and needs to radicalize. Priests should marry, Nuns should be allowed to be *promoted* to priest level and perform mass, Nuns should not take a vow of poverty if priests don't, divorce should be sanctioned...obvious things like this.

And, for the record, I am not a fan or supporter of the Soviet Union politics or lifestyle or whatever. I don't even like Russian porn:rolleyes:

So, hopefully, this last part will go in your steel trap too?:thumbsup:

Before Rupert Murdoch bought the Wall St Journal, there was no "religious" overtone to the paper. It was a useful paper for business facts....

Are you considering adding more Christianity flavor to your posts? I was going to go post a pic about you possibly joining the Promise Keepers in a thread around here recently...
By some people's reasoning, I guess liberals are responsible for all of the crime that goes on in poor public housing every day in the US.

Let's not let facts get in the way of a good agenda!
Rush Limbaugh has nothing to do with Waco, a lunatic who killed 4 ATF agents. The bombing across the

South in the 90's was inspired by ultra-radical anti-abortion movement which has nothing to do with Rush. Rudy Ridge is a fiasco by the FBI

agents and should never have happened. Overzealous FBI agents shot and killed someone they should NOT have been.

So is Rush and his ultra-conservative talk show hosts also resposnibile for Unibomber and the shooting at the Holocaust Memorial at Washington D.C. ?

Rush was and is No. 1 in the 1990's because he is entertaining !!!

1. Can you quite "shouting" please?

2. You just shifted your point - after I debunked it. What you were saying was that all of those things happened before Rush, and they did not. Now you're saying that Rush had nothing to do with Waco. That's a different argument, one that I haven't made. So what you're doing is knocking down straw men. That's lame.

3. I think you and others might be engaging in the "No true Scotsman" fallacy, as well:
So someone here believe Rush Limburgh's right wing ideology inspires people to kill ?

Rush is a lunatic and I only listen to HIM when I change channel on the radio while waiting for red light to change on my way to work.

Rush represents the extreme view of every thing Obama stands for and the country stands for. But I do not believe the Right Wing Talk show hosts can control people's mind and go out there start shooting at the Jewish/black people, kill abortion doctor and shot at Army recruiters. It is not impossible but we are not in Germany in 1938 !

It is just lunatic to believe Rush and all other Right Wing Media have such power !
And this is how it begins ...

And this is how it begins ...

The people on the left claim "free speech" yet try to pin everything on the right-wing media as being a threat to society and holding them responsible. This is repeatedly a sad state of view.

Especially considering I've never heard a right-winger state virtually all of the claims of others. "Oh, we know what Rush meant." "Oh, O'Reilly is a racist." Blah, blah, blah.

Gets really old. Disagree with political views, but actually read what they said, not what you want to think they said or think they mean. It's completely beyond a stretch when I hear this non-sense.

It's "free speech" until people state otherwise. And trust me, I've heard people far worse than the national left and right media state things in local broadcasts on both the left and right. And the Secret Service gives them a visit for a reason.

When Rush, O'Reilly and others "cross the line," they will be visited by Federal Agencies. Until then, this is 100% bullshit political rhetoric.


Moving to a trailer in Fife, AL.
Rush is not about a dialogue, Rush is about preaching the party line. he is a spokesman
There's a distinction to be made, however fine, between saying someone is indirectly responsible for the acts of others because of their inflammatory and inciteful language, and saying that they are directly, legally culpable for the crime.

Read this, watch the vid - I think it's quite fair to say that O'Reilly was irresponsible. (Also, it's noteworthy - again - to see how he speaks of the issue as though the women who get the abortions simply don't exist. If Tiller's a baby-killer, then so is every woman who comes to him for an abortion, too. Shouldn't he be worrying about what will happen to them on "Judgment Day" as well? (or does he actually think it's between them and their god?) Strange, and disturbing.)

"Tiller, O'Reilly likes to say, "destroys fetuses for just about any reason right up until the birth date for $5,000." He's guilty of "Nazi stuff," said O'Reilly on June 8, 2005; a moral equivalent to NAMBLA and al-Qaida, he suggested on March 15, 2006. "This is the kind of stuff happened in Mao's China, Hitler's Germany, Stalin's Soviet Union," said O'Reilly on Nov. 9, 2006."

Accused the Kansas governor of having "blood on her hands" for not "stopping" Tiller. Etc, etc, etc.

He was just shy of calling for vigilante justice (and we can be sure that O'Reilly would insist on the death penalty for a baby killer!). He really should apologize to the Tiller family.
Scary quote of the day:

"A month after Bill Clinton's defeat of George H.W. Bush in 1992, Ronald Reagan sent Limbaugh a letter in which he thanked him "for all you're doing to promote Republican and conservative principles ... [and] you have become the Number One voice for conservatism in our Country."

(from limbaugh's Wikipedia entry - quote can be found here: )