Yes, Conservative media/groups influences extremism. It's not like al Qaeda is a Liberal islamic group. Or has Fox News already painted al Queda as "Liberal Extremists"?
Conservative voters from the present conservative base--the heartland, the bible belt--are not the "smartest" group of people ever assembled....
The GOP has splintered into 2 factions. The Pro-Business faction and the Pro-Christianity Faction. Dubya united these 2 groups (and betrayed them, according to them). There isn't a GOP candidate around that can unite the two.
Mitt Romney has the Pro-Business vote but not the Pro-Christianity vote (how's that for hypocrisy?)
Sarah Palin has the Pro-Christianity vote but not the Pro-Business vote.
John McCain had the Pro-Business but not the Pro-Christianity
Newt Gingrich has Pro-Business, not Pro-Christianity
Rush has support from both camps. Not that he has any qualification, mind you. Maybe he really is the face of the new GOP?
I've noticed that the Wall St Journal is becoming more and more openly "Christian" in its editorial and content...
Wow, isn't that funny? Wall Street = Christian
Didn't Jesus turn over the money changers tables?
Your right though, the Journal has been trying to go that way.