Is my sister acting like a slut? she is 16 and been with 6 men already?


I think the silliest person is the one who thinks his 15 year old sister’s psychological disorders and mental problems are an appropriate topic for his first post on a porn board.

Yeah, how will he live with himself? It's not like the internet is anonymous. We have his name and everything now.

^^so could dr. phil.

or jerry springer.

Yeah, but I doubt you'll find alcoholic chavs who can barely talk on either of those shows. There's no doubt you'll get a slew of hicks appearing on Springer and maybe Phil. But the lack of toothless alcoholic chavs really is a letdown. That and the fact that Kyle likes to shout at absolutely everything and everyone for no apparent reason and he might actually hit on the girl in that creepy peado way that he likes to break out every once in a while.

Tomorrow on Trisha

Now that's just distasteful. I don't think anyone should have to lower themselves to appear that show. It's just ... urgh .... :throwup:


That and the fact that Kyle like to shout at absolutely everything and everyone




Next up on Wendy Williams Show... she lights her beef jerky with her lighter while talking some no nonsense black woman attitude into an incredibly slutty 16 year old girl!


Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie...
Well I'm a strong believer in, enviroment dictates behaviour... But damn I'm even surprised by that. Who would allow her to be married at 15 to a 40 year old? Wow... One hopeful note, she isn't a slut if someone paid her. That makes her a whore instead. Sorry dude.
It sounds like she's made her decision in life and it's unlikely she'll ever change. If you care for her, be supportive, but don't get involved in her personal life, people like that drag other people in (unless she has slutty friends, then bang em and use a condom).
If you don't care for her, break ties and keep the slutty friends phone number.
i don't know if it is a believable story ....... wait a minute, it sounds too good to be true
I wanted your opinion on this:

She is 16 years old.

When she was 11/12 she started giving oral to men, when she was 15 she was even after a married man in his 40s.

Also while being 15 she had oral sex with her dads cousin who was 31 and an alcoholic

She was going out with a lad who was on drugs she stayed with him for a while, trying for a baby luckily it didnt happen.

She was also cheating on him with her ex boyfriend and having sex with him when she could.

She is now also seeing a lad who has got 2 kids and a missus.

She has had one night stand with people, she has slept with 6 people in total, most of them were older than her, one of the men were 33.

She has also got another date for next week with a guy who she will probably jump straight in with.

She just basically loves any guy that gives her attention and jumps straight into bed with them

She has bi-polar aswell im not sure if that has anything to do with it.

Boy you are one nosy son-of-a-bitch . . . now can you list any of her bad qualities? :confused:

Don't fret, when she's old enough, she has all the makings for a great career in the cesspool of San Fernando Valley. :hatsoff:

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
If true, pretty pitiful story. I doubt that it'll end well.
story ends like this:

16 year old sister who has been with 6 men already found out about this thread, entered my bedroom, and forced me to write this post.
As I write this, she's got a gun to my head. She's clearly demonstrated this is none of your fucking business. Please stop posting about her and her sex life. If you do, she'll let me continue lurking. If you don't, you're a douche.
"Is my sister acting like a slut?"... Says the guy posting on FreeOnes :rolleyes:.

Are you saying we are all sluts? Maybe Blueballs is but I am def. not a slut. Maybe a toyboy or something but not a slut yo :D
Roald,when were you in Baltimore?:D

You should have told me,I would have bought the first round. :cool:

Lemme call you next time I come over :D


Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie...
"Is my sister acting like a slut?"... Says the guy posting on FreeOnes :rolleyes:.

I'm a slut. And a whore. I get paid for a service. We're all whores. If you don't get paid to do something, then you're one of those society brats that need your face stomped on. :2 cents: