Is "Liberal" The N-Word Of The Left???

Yeah. And like I said many of the conservatives would be liberal if they were alive today. Just look at Henry Ford. You really think he would be for what the pubs are for?? They are insane. With their religious agenda. Like I said robots. You must be completely right-wing or no chance of winning the republican party.

While I agree that even many who considered themselves conservatives in the past would not think what is now called that is something they would recognize as for example a Barry Goldwater or a Willaim F Buckley.But Henry Ford is not a good example,Henry while for sure an industrial genuis and giant was not very progressive on almost any social issue.Ford was an extreme anti-semite, basically said at the beginning of the depression that the country and people were getting what they deserved for the boom of the 20s and also treated employees llike personal property.He sent Ford people to the workers homes to view how they lived and those who did not meet up to what he thought was a clean christian life style were promptly dismissed.Ford would have fit right in with the current right wingers I think.
It's just the lefts way of renaming everything to re-brand their "new" America.. same shitty product inside with new, shiny and different packaging. Think nothing of it. Progressive is liberal is progressive.


A "conservative" doesn't want government intrusion into everybody's life, huh? Is that why they are so concerned about what I do in my bedroom, what drugs I may want to put into my body, deny basic human rights to certain Americans who don't share the same sexual persuasion that they do, want God and Jesus injected into our lives everywhere we go whether we believe in them or not, would tell a woman what she can and cannot do with her own body, etc? If that isn't intrusion, I don't know what is.

√ I'm pro govt out of America's bedroom as well. :hatsoff:
√ I'm pro legalization and or decriminalization of drugs and prostitution
√ Does the government actually deny people of a certain sexual persuasion any rights or are said same sex people just not getting special custom catered ones ?
√ I'm pro choice up until about the fourth month, after that that I get real queezy.

I hope that clears me of being a suspect conservative, the pick and choose kinda guy that I am.

With all due respect, Jag, public schools have begun to teach the virtues of same sex relationships to children as young as the first grade, whereas it is absolutely forbidden for a teacher to, at least in positive light, open any discussion relative to a faith. I have no investment in either, BTW.
To me, the pro same sex marriage agenda is "everywhere we go whether we believe in [it] or not" and in many cases in addition to the public school sector same sex rights is advocated by the government. Throw in a large number of same sex activists and you've got quite a campaign runnin' !
In my parts, faith based entities seem to do their thing under their own roof. I can't say that I've ever been heckled by anybody of faith . . well, maybe once or twice a long time ago.

Personally, I want not the government to advocate nor outlaw what people do under their own roof so long as there's no incest, child abuse, murder or waterboarding :grin: taking place. I'll pay the gumment 331/3 but if they want more I'd like to tell em to KMA but I prolly won't for fear of being pillaged and plundered by the storm troopas !

J/K I hope :tongue:

Another thought -

The "liberals" have "progressed" the terminology : "global warming" into "climate change".

It means the same thing but not really ~
√ I'm pro govt out of America's bedroom as well. :hatsoff:
√ I'm pro legalization and or decriminalization of drugs and prostitution
√ Does the government actually deny people of a certain sexual persuasion any rights or are said same sex people just not getting special custom catered ones ?
√ I'm pro choice up until about the fourth month, after that that I get real queezy.

I hope that clears me of being a suspect conservative, the pick and choose kinda guy that I am.

With all due respect, Jag, public schools have begun to teach the virtues of same sex relationships to children as young as the first grade, whereas it is absolutely forbidden for a teacher to, at least in positive light, open any discussion relative to a faith. I have no investment in either, BTW.
To me, the pro same sex marriage agenda is "everywhere we go whether we believe in [it] or not" and in many cases in addition to the public school sector same sex rights is advocated by the government. Throw in a large number of same sex activists and you've got quite a campaign runnin' !
In my parts, faith based entities seem to do their thing under their own roof. I can't say that I've ever been heckled by anybody of faith . . well, maybe once or twice a long time ago.

Personally, I want not the government to advocate nor outlaw what people do under their own roof so long as there's no incest, child abuse, murder or waterboarding taking place. I'll pay them 331/3 if they want more I'd like to tell em to KMA but I prolly won't for fear of being pillaged and plundered by the storm troopas !

J/K I hope :tongue:

Another thought -

The "liberals" have "progressed" the terminology : "global warming" into "climate change".

It means the same thing but not really ~

You're a liberal.

He had to use wiki LOL!
Try using a Real reference!

If Liberal meant what it is actually defined as in any of its first 5 parts, but anyone with an actual education in politics or economics knows that is far from what it currently means.
By education I mean something other than the indoctrination of 'The United States Department of Education' in socialism and communism.
Having graduated from an Independent School District and attended and graduated a real 4 year university on something other than an affirmative action program.

The fact is that currently Liberal and libertarian can't have anything to do with one another they are completely opposite ideologies.
It is possible to be a fiscal conservate and a social Libertarian (which is what I am).
It is possible to be a fiscal liberal and a social socialist or communist.
It is possible to be a fiscal socialist/communist and a social liberal.
He had to use wiki LOL!
Try using a Real reference!

If Liberal meant what it is actually defined as in any of its first 5 parts, but anyone with an actual education in politics or economics knows that is far from what it currently means.
By education I mean something other than the indoctrination of 'The United States Department of Education' in socialism and communism.
Having graduated from an Independent School District and attended and graduated a real 4 year university on something other than an affirmative action program.

The fact is that currently Liberal and libertarian can't have anything to do with one another they are completely opposite ideologies.
It is possible to be a fiscal conservate and a social Libertarian (which is what I am).
It is possible to be a fiscal liberal and a social socialist or communist.
It is possible to be a fiscal socialist/communist and a social liberal.

Don't like that one? How about this reference (we can keep going until we find a credible reference)

lib⋅er⋅al⋅ism   [lib-er-uh-liz-uhm, lib-ruh-]
1. the quality or state of being liberal, as in behavior or attitude.
2. a political or social philosophy advocating the freedom of the individual, parliamentary systems of government, nonviolent modification of political, social, or economic institutions to assure unrestricted development in all spheres of human endeavor, and governmental guarantees of individual rights and civil liberties.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
√ I'm pro govt out of America's bedroom as well. :hatsoff:
√ I'm pro legalization and or decriminalization of drugs and prostitution
√ Does the government actually deny people of a certain sexual persuasion any rights or are said same sex people just not getting special custom catered ones ? How's about right to experience the benefits/drawbacks of marriage for a start? I mean, are all men (and women) not created equal?
√ I'm pro choice up until about the fourth month, after that that I get real queezy.

I hope that clears me of being a suspect conservative, the pick and choose kinda guy that I am.

Damn! I knew you were really a liberal! I like the hell out of you, F!!

Don't like that one? How about this reference (we can keep going until we find a credible reference)

lib⋅er⋅al⋅ism   [lib-er-uh-liz-uhm, lib-ruh-]
1. the quality or state of being liberal, as in behavior or attitude.
2. a political or social philosophy advocating the freedom of the individual, parliamentary systems of government, nonviolent modification of political, social, or economic institutions to assure unrestricted development in all spheres of human endeavor, and governmental guarantees of individual rights and civil liberties.

That one is almost close.
The problem is that Liberals only advocate freedom of the individual so long as it does not give an individual the ablity to oppose another. Liberals feel that people do not have the right to be able to protect themselfs and that those who do should be punished for doing so.
In otherwords they are against the 2nd Amendment in all it's interpretations and implications.
Liberals are also against unrestricted education they WANT people to not know history particularly US history as told from multiple resources. They are against the teaching of advanced sciences early in education. They are against teaching social resposibility or any teachings of taking resposibility for ones actions.
That one is almost close.
The problem is that Liberals only advocate freedom of the individual so long as it does not give an individual the ablity to oppose another. Liberals feel that people do not have the right to be able to protect themselfs and that those who do should be punished for doing so.
In otherwords they are against the 2nd Amendment in all it's interpretations and implications.
Liberals are also against unrestricted education they WANT people to not know history particularly US history as told from multiple resources. They are against the teaching of advanced sciences early in education. They are against teaching social resposibility or any teachings of taking resposibility for ones actions.

Cite a credible source that attributes what you claim to liberalism. That's what this whole discussion is about the misapplication of liberalism to progressivism.

Progressives are just like conservatives...they're both relativists. That's why many of their beliefs end up contradictory to their other beliefs.

That's how "no nation building" can be spun into "Iraqi freedom".
Cite a credible source that attributes what you claim to liberalism. That's what this whole discussion is about the misapplication of liberalism to progressivism.

Progressives are just like conservatives...they're both relativists. That's why many of their beliefs end up contradictory to their other beliefs.

That's how "no nation building" can be spun into "Iraqi freedom".

You are talking apples and oranges again

If you are a progressive or a liberal you are not conservative they are opposites.

1 credible source? how about the last election.
Call me a liberal, call me a progressive. Hell call me a communist I don't give a shit. Labels are for assholes. You can label everything something. Whats the point of arguing over a label? Just as long as everybody has the same rights I am happy. :)
on a kind of not really but sorta partially related note...

since someone brought up anarchists- why is it that people think without an authoritarian power structure (as opposed to a voluntary cooperative group) society will be chaotic? All of the things that are commonly attributed to a chaotic society seem to me to have been running rampant non-stop since the invention of bureaucracy.

It's rather laughable and ironic. If cops and laws don't do anything to stop crime, and they surely have not, how could it be any worse at least on a philosophical level?
American "conservatives" aren't classical Liberals. They believe as a matter of policy encroachments on individual freedoms just like progressives do...they just have their own set of beliefs they believe should be instilled in larger society.


Most people equate the two, but they are not the same thing anymore... A better fit is "American Conservative" = LIBERTARIAN
Your saying conservative for govt. issues right? The problem right now with this 2 party thing is the republicans that are smart on business and what strong capatilism all have to be right wing on the social issues. Their are no moderate conservatives anymore.

Most people equate the two, but they are not the same thing anymore... A better fit is "American Conservative" = LIBERTARIAN

Don't think those two terms are really entirely interchangeable.While most libertarians would probably lean towards conservatism the opposite does not apply IMO.Majority of people who call themselves conservatives would not agree with libertarians on some really fundamental issues like legalizing some drugs and staying out of things like abortion and the other issues commonly known as the family values issues.That makes conservatives much more at home with republicans and their platform.
1 credible source? how about the last election.

I have no idea what that means but progressives and conservatives are different sides of the same coin. The most important thing they stand for is party politics not necessarily principles.
"American Conservative" = LIBERTARIAN


"American Conservative" believes in bans on things like personal drug use and prostitution which are private, individual choices and should have nothing to do with government intervention.

That is the antithesis of what Libertarians believe.
No, because Self-determination is at the very core of conservatism if you do not believe in the right to improve yourself and succeed and not just sit back and be a ward of the state then you are not a conservative.
Liberals do not believe in the 2nd amendment in any of it interpretations and they are NOT Libertarians they are overwhelmingly socialists and communists in their core beliefs.
The very core of liberalism is that the state supports the people in all aspects and with that at the core they do not feel that people have any rights to own or poses firearms because if people have firearms they have the ability to protect themselves.
They have been educated to believe that capitalism is evil and must be stopped at pretty much all costs.
This carteresque indoctrination into socialism/communism has ingrained in these people that the nations wealth must be redistributed evenly across the population whether they deserve or have earned it or not.

Conservatives are not Liberals there is nothing that can connect the two words they are like oil and water they do not mix.
A progressive is merely a more aggressive liberal like a socialist or a communist.

That is not totally true most people can be a blend of opinions and vote a such. Remember Reagan Democrats? Many people fall into the socially liberal and fiscally conservative camp.

There is so many degrees of poltical beliefs.