You never really hear about ugly people being killed. I mean it must happen, cant it? Surley there are some people out there who actually hate people who are ugly. But what if there isnt? What if its only the attractive people who are being brutally murdered whilst all the ugly ones are only charged with benefit fraud!!
What a world we would live in, our children and our childrens children never knowing true beauty. Never knowing that once there were people more attractive than us, and yes we used to lust after them. Our rate of masturbation then was much now than it will be then and the act of self fulfillment will be left for the animals to wonder. But their beauty was their downfall, hate for them grew and one by one they were picked off by their fat friend or jealous teachers. Until one day none were left.
I wonder what we would look like then, I'm sure there would be attractive people born, there have to be mutants, how else would we evolve? But how would they be treated, would they be the outsiders? Bullied and beated because of their looks, whilst the most popular girls in school, the clinically obese, pig faced bitches strut around the school with their weedy boyfriends.
This would be a strange planet and a strange time, television would no longer exist, nor would film. What of music you might ask, well surly there is music, of course there is. But no more music videos. Oh no, these would be completely against the law, something so horrendous has no place on a device that can be viewed by millions of people. We would have mass panic, mass hysteria, mass suicide and mass revoltion.
Would are green lands become baron deserts, would tribes form and start wars against one another. When one thinks about all the possibilities that could happen and are happening right now, one has to ask, why?
Dont you see people, if we cant get this to stop one day you and I, brother and brother or brother and sister will be at war, for what pourpose we cannot know. But I forsee a time when Mad Max: The Road Warrior is no longer a work of fiction. That time is forever closer dear reader, unless you can do something about it. Only you can stop our on coming fate, only you can save us!!! Protect the sexy at all cost, lay down your own lives if you have to. For they are the key to our salvation.
The time has come!!!!
No longer can true beaty perish whilst the weak and ugly prosper, KILL THEM ALL!!!!!!!!