Is It Christmas Already?


Lost at Birth
There should be a Constitutional Amendment outlawing Christmas commercials, decorations, sales and songs being played on the radio until after Thanksgiving. Violators receive the death penalty.

i'm willing to bet jagger will disagree with you on the punishment phase, bail. :D but i'm right there with you lol

i live downtown so not too many houses where i live, thank god, but its hard to avoid that annoying music. if i lived next to a house that did that synchronised siberian orchestra lighting shit, i'd most likely be in jail for vandalizing my neighbors decorations. good grief can you imagine that going off a hundred times a night for 2 months???? we do go see family for christmas and thanksgiving, so i get exposed to the suburban/rural christmas culture for about 4 to 5 days and that is really all i want/need.

i feel sorry for the retail folks though. i have quite a few subordinates that have to do the retail thing and i make sure i go the extra mile with them during this time of year to make sure they're happy. (buy em lunch, give 'em swag) i used to have to do that shit myself, so please, if you're out shopping, lend a kind word or thumb's up to the retail worker. its a thankless job putting up with assholes who think shopping is a contact sport.


Member, you member...
Quote by Lust - "so please, if you're out shopping, lend a kind word or thumb's up to the retail worker. its a thankless job putting up with assholes who think shopping is a contact sport."

Very good point - if we go out shopping and get upset with something not being there that we want to buy, let's not take it out on the workers.
I will remember that even though I'm pretty friendly anyway. lol

Thanks to All for your replies here!

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
My brother put his Christmas lights up and decorated the inside of his house the first week of November. :dunno: I'll put a tree up two weeks before Christmas. We're probably not related...
I say bring it on as early as possible.. I love this time of year..
If you have children you'd understand, if not, then you probably won't.


Re: Is It Christmas Already?

It's just like American Independence Day, it used to be you would only see fireworks on the Fourth of July, now you can almost see them every weekend :hammer:


My Penis Is Dancing!
I actually celebrate Festivus. I've just put up my metal pole.

I put my metal pole up every night, but a good rubbing brings it right down again.

Now, time to strip down and air our grievances...if you catch my meaning.


Moving to a trailer in Fife, AL.
it has tobe Christmas time. I saw "Madagascar Christmas" on NBC last night. Plus Will is singing "don we now our HAPPY apparel"


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
What the hell is Christmas? I have never heard of it.

Now the Holidays... God, "The Holidays" are so fucking commercialized, and that name is forced down my throat like a really big penis that I didn't want to be anywhere near in the first place. Yes, you heard me: All the hype around the Holidays is like getting raped.

Will E Worm

It's not, but people would rather celebrate Christmas than Thanksgiving, because they are greedy and ingrates.

Where are the Thanksgiving decorations?

People must accept the fact that anything bad that happens to them is a direct result of their own doing.

They don't give thanks and they think they deserve more.

They deserve nothing. :hatsoff:


Moving to a trailer in Fife, AL.
Someone is about to be visited by three spirits and I don't mean Jim, Jack and SoCo