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Is Being A Mom The Hardest Job In The World?


Closed Account

You can't categorize parenthood that way; alongside being a doctor, or a filing clerk or a fast food server ... those roles are jobs, regardless of the qualifications (or lack thereof) needed to execute them.

Parenting, as I said previously, is a life choice; think if it this way - is getting engaged and being a bride a job? Is deciding to live unmarried, off grid, only eating what you grow/eat a job? Is choosing a new car a job? No, they are choices - great and small - we make with the totality of our lives.

Being a doctor is a job; choosing to study medicine is a life choice.

Choosing to have kids is a life choice; becoming a nanny is a job.

Etc, etc, ad nauseum, blah blah ....

Sure. Let(s call a blow job a blow choice from now on :D


Approved Content Owner
How the fuck would I know - I haven't yet had every job in the world but I do think being a mom would have it's perks - I could suck on my own boobies for starters........
As a few have pointed out, the whole premise of calling it a job is a categorical error. It's a life decision and lifetime commitment. You can't quit being a parent---even if you suck, or you bail, you're not removed entirely and the consequences can haunt you.

Speaking from my family, and we've had this discussion before, so I can kinda post on their behalf, I was raised by a single mom for the first several years of my life (my biological father is one of the aformentioned bailers), while she also worked. Later she married my stepdad (who I call simply "dad" since he's more father than the actual one, who was basically a sperm donor ever was), and after having another son with him, she stayed at home with us while he was proud to be making enough money for the family. At times, she had to work if my dad was laid off or more often if illness or some other costly thing disrupted finances.

With that background, both of my parents would be the first to tell you, parenting is the most challenging (and rewarding) experience one can have, as Ashleigh noted, it's a combination of so many responsibilities and investment that it easily tops any other commitment, and my dad in particular would be the first to punch you in the throat if you demeaned his wife for staying at home and taking on the responsibilities therein full-time----BUT, my mom would also state she would never consider it a "job" because a job can be perceived as a burden, it can be traded up, it can be cast aside. Parenting doesn't work like that, if you characterize it that way then you actually demean parents everywhere, mothers and fathers all.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
Actually the hardest job is being a truckdriving cowgirl for a mom.


Official Checked Star Member
Being a mom is hard, being a single, working mom (as in not a stay at home mom) is actually the hardest job though.glad I have a good supportive family or id be screwed like many women that have children at a young age are.
It sure is. But the president doesn't need to wipe the ass of the secretary of state, clean up the puke of the PM of England and iron the shirts of sjeik of FarAwayitistan at the same time. Even so, he has people to do if for him :) I just think it IS a tough job, just because she HAS this responsibility. If the toddler cries at 3AM she gets up, tired or not. The kid is sick, she picks him up from school no matter what time of day. And so on. You can't quit this 'job' or just leave it to others.

I dont deny that being a mom is hard but the president, as commander in chief, is responsible for the defense and safety of 300 million people. I'm speaking of the American President in general but I'll use Obama as an example. I couldn't imagine how much stress he's going through. He's engaged in a tough re-election battle, has to deal with spiking oil prices, a fragile economy, and terrorists trying to kill Americans. No wonder he's going gray.
I wouldn't say its the hardest but probably the most challenging. It may not be the most physically difficult, but I don't think there's a job out there where you are more emotionally invested and on call 24/7. Being a mom includes being a housekeeper, maid, chauffeur, therapist, disciplinarian, nurse, teacher, etc...all rolled into one....without pay or vacation time.

Yes, being a mom is a hard job. Military wives and moms have tough jobs, they do all thoses things, and they have the stress of knowing that their husbands my get seriously hurt or killed. When they are deployed in war zones.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
This has been in the news lately, so I wanna ask you guys if you believe that being a mom is the hardest job in the world? Don't be afraid to piss off some of the ladies here either:stir:

Since I've never been a mother (or a father ;)), it would be hard to give a good answer, I guess. And not to offend anyone, but I can't give the politically correct answer, and just say "yes", either. Since the question deals with the "hardest job in the world", I think it probably depends on where in the world the mother is located. It's probably not the easiest job, no matter where she is. But in some countries, in some societies, it's probably much harder than it is in any developed Western country: no nanny, child care, medical care to speak of, court mandated child support or government assistance for them.

And even in the U.S., what with the programs and benefits that are available, it's much easier now than say, 50 years ago. We're just coming out of the deepest recession since the Great Depression. However one may have been affected by that, imagine a widowed or divorced mother of two or three small children then, and what she faced, versus a mother in the same situation in 2009. Children, especially in cities, did starve to death back then. When people squeal and cry about "creeping socialism" these days, they seem to be ignorant of how it once was in this nation. Now, I'm not for paying a girl to become a state supported baby factory either. I'm just saying, remember what once happened to people who were truly in dire straits in this nation... through NO fault of their own. On top of all that, with childhood diseases, that used to run rampant, and women dying during child birth being relatively commonplace in the recent past, I'd say the "job" is easier now than what it once was. So, not easy now, but (IMO) MUCH easier than it used to be - like most jobs as time goes on.

But if you're responsible, truly devoted (and probably somewhat lucky), you'll end up with something that all the money in the world can't buy: a loving family. So being a parent (not just a mother) may be a hard "job", but from the way it looks to me (from a safe distance :)), it also has some great "benefits".

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
No, but it's probably one of the most stressful, and potentially heartbreaking. It certainly carries some of the most important responsibilities. Of course if you asked my late mother...God rest her soul...she would tell you stories about me, that would make you think I was the sum of all evils.


Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie...
Well from what I see, my ex-wife... no she doesn't have the hardest job in the world. And "mom", come on. How about "single dad". "Single Parent" at the least. We're overlooked and extremely under-appreciated.

Just because I don't have tits, I get overlooked. I work, I take care of my kid, I take him to school, I was even there after he got out of surgery to have his broken arm have pins put in, I defend my home, I change my oil, I cook damn good, I exercise and teach my kid the benefits of a healthy lifestyle.
I help him with his homework and teach him new things every day. Oh and I'm good in bed, and can take care of my "headaches"...

Single "mom"... bullshit.

Will E Worm

Nice to see the Demorats attacking the family once again. :facepalm:

All jobs are choices. Without people having children we would not be here.
So, it's a needed job and a tough one.


My Penis Is Dancing!
Being a mom is hard, being a single, working mom (as in not a stay at home mom) is actually the hardest job though.glad I have a good supportive family or id be screwed like many women that have children at a young age are.

Being a single mother is what I thought of first, myself.
I've known a few single moms...it is not the fun and games some guys seem to think it is, especially when having to work to support the kid. Emotionally, it can be rather rough, as many times they are missing some of their child's key moments of growing up.
Hell, I will do anything I can to support single mothers.

With my penis.
Shit. Ruined it all, right there. (seriously, support single moms. And not just with your penis)