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Is America Ready for a female president?

HI, guys and gals wat do u people think is America ready for a female president?:fight: What do u people think should the lone super power of the world ve a woman in the shoes of a president and does a female president got the guts to handle the world?:D
Re: Is America Ready?

stek1983 said:
first you make a thread asking which pornstar we wanna see as president, now this....

Is there any rule i cannot post threads which are a bit similar.first one is for fun and 2nd one is for some serious discussion.............Now do u have any problem with it?:rolleyes:
Re: Is America Ready?

No. America is far too dominated by Catholicism and Catholicism hates women and views them as an unfortunate necessity to perpetuating life.
Re: Is America Ready?

If a country like Liberia (or was it Nigeria, don't remember) can have a female president, I NORMALLY wouldn't see why the US couldn't. Peter is right (at least partially, however, I'm not so sure Catholicism is the true or only reason the US hasn't had a female president yet) however, that the US is dominated by men, which makes the chances of a female president a lot smaller.
Re: Is America Ready?

if US is so male dominated why does it promote women rights allover the world?Ain't it a woman's right to run for president


Re: Is America Ready?

Well, of course.

But, the closest women have come to the Presidency in this country was a lame-duck attempt back in 1984 when Geraldine Ferraro was picked as the Vice-Presidential running mate of then-Presidential contender Walter Mondale.

You have to realize that America has a "good ol' boys" network that is prevalent in most elements of leadership and society ... it's been around since our formative days as a fledgling country. As much progress as has been made with civil rights, equal opportunity rights, women's rights, et. al., we still have a long, long way to go before we realize and reap the benefits from complete true and equal rights and/or opportunity in all aspects of our society and government.

According to recent polls, Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-NY) and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice are both viable contenders in 2008 should they run for office. The polls varied greatly depending on the question asked, but most of them showed Clinton as the frontrunner for the Democratic nomination.

As much as I'd like to see a female president, I don't know if we are going to see one in 2008. The Republicans have successfully framed the presidency in terms of security - a major problem for women, who are still, unfortunately, stereotyped as "weaker" than men. Although analysts said that "moral values" determined the 2004 election, I personally think "security" probably did. In the debates between Bush and Kerry, nearly every question focused on some type of security, from homeland security to economic security to Social Security to the security of marriage and the family. The concept unified most topics of debate, implying that it is an important value to have - or at least to project - as an electable leader.

Excepting Washington insiders and those married to concrete moral issues, many people vote for the candidate who projects an image of leadership that has been ingrained in them, perhaps by societal and subconscious factors. Right now, this image has a lot to do with the concept of security - Who is going to protect Americans? - but also a notion of who voters get a good feeling about. This was a huge factor in the 2000 and 2004 elections: Voters got a good feeling about Bush; they could relate to him; they could imagine having a beer with him. (How little we truly knew about this inept, bumbling fool!!!)

If this paradigm prevails in 2008, I don't think a female candidate has much of a chance. Although Clinton leads the preliminary polls, I don't think the American public gets an overall positive "vibe" from her.

But then again, maybe Americans are tired of the male-dominated view of leadership and patriarchal ideas of security. Maybe Americans are ready for a new paradigm defined by a female presidential contender. Whether or not this is true, we are going to hear more from women candidates leading up to 2008 than we ever have before.
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Re: Is America Ready?

I think it would be too risky a move by the democrats. The first lady probably only said that because she knows hillary would lose lol. Maybe in another 8 years.
Re: Is America Ready?

Yeah right...the United States is too scared to let a successful Arab company manage the business duties of ports and too "nationally secure" to let an Israeli company acquire a US software company...and you think we're ready for a female president?


Re: Is America Ready?

There's nothing at all wrong with protecting this nation's vested interests in the form of our various port of calls, alexio ... although I DO disagree with their stance and tactics. Japan does it all of the time.

Your logic in comparing the two is flawed, but the opinion is just.
Re: Is America Ready?

A woman cant possibly screw things up worse than some of the guys have already. Of course, i have been wrong before...........


Closed Account
Re: Is America Ready?

The trend lately seems to be to letting fools run America. If the woman is foolish, then yes. America has been ready for a woman for decades, there just have not been any candidates of sufficient stupidity to run and be president.

But Hillary might just be able to pull that off.

A female president for America sounds great, but just like a male president, she must be strong, competent, and able to lead. But I don't think there are those type of people, male or female, republican or democrat. I'm afraid all our good people got out of politics and left it for the greedy capitalists. Capitalism may not be all bad but unchecked it breeds the worst type of person, greedy and foolish. America was founded on many beliefs, not just capitalism, it's high time we saw a resurgence of Truth, Justice, and Liberty.

A woman president, YES! Perhaps feminine Patience and perseverance is what the world needs
Re: Is America Ready?

AsianxxxChick said:
There's nothing at all wrong with protecting this nation's vested interests in the form of our various port of calls, alexio ... although I DO disagree with their stance and tactics. Japan does it all of the time.

Your logic in comparing the two is flawed, but the opinion is just.

Protecting our ports is one thing, but this fiasco involving Dubai Ports World is completely unnecessary and solely the product of a xenophobic fear of foreigners, especially Arabs. ugh...I won't get into that...I've already written a piece on it, but I'll save that for another time. All I'm saying is that, if we're not willing to have open business practices and we are unable to trust other people, then, with the conservative nature of the majority of the American public, what chance is there for a dramatic change, such as a female president, in American politics?
Re: Is America Ready?

We're long overdue in the USA in having a woman as President. Most countries in the world are overdue in this regard as well.

Who the fuck are we men kidding? Seriously. Women RULE the world, and always have, because a man in lust or love will do damned-near anything that "his woman" (or the woman he wants to be with) tells, asks, or advises him to do. :tongue:

A woman President is a wonderful idea, and I embrace it wholeheartedly. Women's judgment is usually more prudent than that of men, although they DO tend to be irrational at odd times - but hey, don't we ALL? lol :rolleyes:

:2 cents: :hatsoff:
Re: Is America Ready?

Just to put in my 2 cents I don't think the US of A is ready for a female president though I would predict a female vice president is coming in the near future. And from there its bound to happen sooner or later.
Re: Is America Ready?

I think its time for a female president...most countries have had female leaders...I dont see any problems as long as its the right person and most qualified for the job it could be black, white female, male or monkey...wait sorry about that last one its happened already....

Not to stir any controvery but i wonder what will happen first a Black president or a female president


Don Trump calls me Pornography Man
...now that the NFL has announced that a woman will be appointed as the new commissioner...

Ready or not, there emphatically will be a woman elected president, if for no other reason than for the novelty of the instance. Everybody loves novelty and newness: the latest fashion, cultural trend, technological developments, etc., and the outcome of Election '08 will be no different. Marketability (not to be confused with Marquetteability, which is a malady indigenous to the northern section of my state that those of us in my home town often refer to as "Lower Peninsula Envy") Right or wrong, for better or for worse, the grand ad campaign that a presidential election is will dictate that there is no better time than now to nominate a woman for president.
It's not about who is the best qualified, it's about who has the most presentable "personality" to bring to the voters. Simply stated, Hillary may have no choice in the matter--her party will be the ones making the decision, as they look to the long-term benefit from having this distinction.


It's good to be the king...
Re: Is America Ready?

*Hangman* said:
Just to put in my 2 cents I don't think the US of A is ready for a female president though I would predict a female vice president is coming in the near future. And from there its bound to happen sooner or later.

Odd - we had Maggie Thatcher, Germany currently has Angela Merkel, Israel had Golda Meir, India had Indira Gandhi, Liberia recently elected Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, and the Philippines has Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo (and previously Cory Aquino, Asia's first female President).

If the USA isn't ready now, when will it be...?


Don Trump calls me Pornography Man
Re: Is America Ready?

*Hangman* said:
Just to put in my 2 cents I don't think the US of A is ready for a female president though I would predict a female vice president is coming in the near future. And from there its bound to happen sooner or later.

It's not a matter of whether the citizens are ready, it all comes down to which political party will win the "battle" to claim title to having the first female elected as president, just as the Republical party enjoys the distinction of claiming themselves as the "Party of Lincoln." There is far much more than just one elected office at stake in this upcoming campaign.
In my experience, women are way too smart to become presidents, not only in the US but all around the world. And if the rumors are true that there are "secret societies" behind every throne, then I wouldn't be at all surprised to see that a woman leads them :D

The thing is, do we really believe that any president ( I am not reffering to USA alone, but worldwide) has the power to do anything, or the status quo simply can't be changed? But since the question is whether America is ready for a female president....well.... how the hell should I know? I am an ocean apart! But I would definitely welcome the prospect to see a woman on a seat of power. Males has done a lousy job the last 2000 years....