Iron Man movie update

I think that's a terrible choice. now if you said sam jackson was gonna play Jim Rhodes AKA War Machine, then I would agree that it's an awesome choice. But not as Nick Fury

Yeah its based in the ultimate storyline. I prefer the classic grey hair Fury and he was white, just like the King Pin in Daredevil but they same to make a big deal about skin color. I don't want to bash a movie before it hits the theatre but they should stick to the original formula that made it famous.
Yeah its based in the ultimate storyline. I prefer the classic grey hair Fury and he was white, just like the King Pin in Daredevil but they same to make a big deal about skin color. I don't want to bash a movie before it hits the theatre but they should stick to the original formula that made it famous.

well, one of the big reasons why Michael Clarke Duncan was used as the Kingpin was because there aren't a lot of huge muscular white actors out there. Plus, he was still kind of big at the time coming off of Green Mile
well, one of the big reasons why Michael Clarke Duncan was used as the Kingpin was because there aren't a lot of huge muscular white actors out there. Plus, he was still kind of big at the time coming off of Green Mile

Well they should have airbrushed him ala White Chicks movie, just joking. Do you imagine if they would have made Wolverine or Eddie Brock balck or latino? lets see it another way how about Steve Rogers a red hair, or the Falcon, Luke Cage white. Like I said stick to the original formula. There are special effects these days how else did they make the Juggernaut guy look bigger than he is. IMO Jackson should be Rhodes .
Well they should have airbrushed him ala White Chicks movie, just joking. Do you imagine if they would have made Wolverine or Eddie Brock balck or latino? lets see it another way how about Steve Rogers a red hair, or the Falcon, Luke Cage white. Like I said stick to the original formula. There are special effects these days how else did they make the Juggernaut guy look bigger than he is. IMO Jackson should be Rhodes .

lol @ iamforevers comment.

yeah, not much to say here. who really cares about the ultimate marvel storyline? rewriting classic comics because they can't come up with any new ideas? I can't understand why people would be into that. that's like changing the origins of spidermans black suit (which they did). that turned me off as a marvel fan.

Marvel was really putting out some good stuff before civil war, and for the first time in a long time they had the edge over DC. it's sad to see that they've reverted back to thier lame ideas, basically just replicating the lameness of the 2099 concept from the 90's all over again.

the first X-men and Spiderman were good, entirely because they were the works of acclaimed directors doing something that hadn't been seen in awhile. Because of thier box office and critical success, marvel got the WRONG idea that any campy ass superhero movie that they did would be gold, and they really dropped the ball - not at all unlike the same losing formula previously demonstrated by comic movies in the 80's and 90's.

I like the Ultimate line and I've been a Marvel fan since the mid 80's. I actually stopped reading Marvel somewhere around the whole Peter Parker/Ben Reilly clone saga and the Ultimate line is what got me back into Marvel. It's the only comics from Marvel that I read now. (Although I do have Civil War.) I think the stuff that they're putting into the Ultimate line are better than a lot of the stuff in the main books. As far as the movies go, the only movies I didn't like were Blade Trinity and Man-Thing. All the rest have been pretty good. Spider-Man 3 and X-Men 3 were kind of disappointments but overall I liked them. The director's cut of Daredevil is worth watching. The main problem with the movies were that Marvel didn't have 100% control over them. They licensed them off to their respective movie studios. Now Marvel has 100% control of them and Iron Man and The Incredible Hulk will be the first movies that take advantage of that.
I like the Ultimate line and I've been a Marvel fan since the mid 80's. I actually stopped reading Marvel somewhere around the whole Peter Parker/Ben Reilly clone saga and the Ultimate line is what got me back into Marvel. It's the only comics from Marvel that I read now. (Although I do have Civil War.) I think the stuff that they're putting into the Ultimate line are better than a lot of the stuff in the main books. As far as the movies go, the only movies I didn't like were Blade Trinity and Man-Thing. All the rest have been pretty good. Spider-Man 3 and X-Men 3 were kind of disappointments but overall I liked them. The director's cut of Daredevil is worth watching. The main problem with the movies were that Marvel didn't have 100% control over them. They licensed them off to their respective movie studios. Now Marvel has 100% control of them and Iron Man and The Incredible Hulk will be the first movies that take advantage of that.

Blade 3 had so much potential with perharps the baddest Dracula ever but the humore fucked up. Still like X-MEN 3 AND SPIDERMAN 3 even though they let me down, Hulk also did. I do hope that they take advantage like you say and these movies do good, like I said I don't like bashing movies before they are out, but be careful on how you change characters that have been there for over 40 years. I love the original WW2 veteran tough as nails Nick Fury.