Sam Jackson is shooting his scenes for the Iron Man movie as Nick Fury, the perfect choice IMO for the part.
Just read about this today, Sam Jackson is shooting his scenes for the Iron Man movie as Nick Fury, the perfect choice IMO for the part.
Actually if you read any of the Ultimate comics (Ultimate Spider-Man, Ultimate X-Men, The Ultimates etc...) then you'll see that Nick Fury is modeled after Samuel L. Jackson. So in this sense, it is Ultimate (pun intended) casting.
Ok, I forgot about General Nick Fury. If that's what they're going by then it does fit. So, going by that theory, the iron man movie is part of the Ultimate Iron Man storyline. Which it probably won't be. Which means they fucked up:lame:
Or they just needed an excuse to put Jackson in a movie. :1orglaugh
Anybody besides me... and this is off-topic, but.. anybody besides me think it's awesome that the MUMMY 3 will have JET LI?!
Anybody besides me... and this is off-topic, but.. anybody besides me think it's awesome that the MUMMY 3 will have JET LI?!
Anybody besides me... and this is off-topic, but.. anybody besides me think it's awesome that the MUMMY 3 will have JET LI?!
not at all! what does a china man have to do with the Egyptian desert???
did they?
I thought the scorpion king was technically mummy 3
lol @ iamforevers comment.
yeah, not much to say here. who really cares about the ultimate marvel storyline? rewriting classic comics because they can't come up with any new ideas? I can't understand why people would be into that. that's like changing the origins of spidermans black suit (which they did). that turned me off as a marvel fan.
Marvel was really putting out some good stuff before civil war, and for the first time in a long time they had the edge over DC. it's sad to see that they've reverted back to thier lame ideas, basically just replicating the lameness of the 2099 concept from the 90's all over again.
the first X-men and Spiderman were good, entirely because they were the works of acclaimed directors doing something that hadn't been seen in awhile. Because of thier box office and critical success, marvel got the WRONG idea that any campy ass superhero movie that they did would be gold, and they really dropped the ball - not at all unlike the same losing formula previously demonstrated by comic movies in the 80's and 90's.