Actually now that you mention it, I've always been against space programs for that very reason (or at least similar reasons). I don't really see how spending time and money into space is useful when that could be spent helping those of planet Earth. And besides, all of that research on the other planets won't mean shit when the sun explodes.
Do you question why you spent $10 at the movies or $50 a month on television when that money could have instead been used to feed starving people in Africa or to help cure cancer? What about the thousands of dollars you spent on your education? Could that have gone to cancer research instead? You likely did not spend it that way and nobody expected you to.
The goal of living is not simply .... living. A life well lived consists of other things such as striving toward goals, socializing with others, and investigating the world around us. Competition and entertainment are a part of this as well. The flow of money is the result of choices people make, just as you chose to spend money on an internet connection rather than cancer research.
I agree with you that society's values (where they choose to spend the majority of their money) are frequently not as benevolent as they should be. This is why actresses and professional athletes often make more money than doctors or social workers. The dollars follow what people value most. The fact is, people like to be entertained. A lot. Often more than helping others. Is that good? Maybe not, but it's the way it is. Maybe you don't spend more on television and other forms of entertainment than cancer research, but most people do.
The fact that people are more interested in spending billions of dollars now on the possibility of finding microbes rather than in curing diseases strikes me as a poor value judgment as well. The only way to change it is to compel people to value the other things more. It'll be a tough job though - people love to be entertained - but if you put together a Worldwide Cancer Cure Off, I'll buy a ticket. :thumbsup:
and the good news is all that cancer research won't be wasted 'cause the sun won't "explode" as a red giant for another 8 billion years.