Im sure this is was taken out of context, or the meaning was skewed as it didnt translate properly. It probably was something to the effect that skantily dressed women lead to earthquakes in society or something. Its like how Iran is always mis quoted as saying they are going to "wipe Israel off the map", when in reality such words were never spoken and they actually said that in their opinion "Israel will fade from the pages of history". The Mainstream media has a hard on for Iran and they have been beating the war drums for years now. The same sort of misleading "journalism" that was common place before the invasion of Iraq. Dont believe the media hype, Iran has the most transparent nuclear program the world has ever seen. There is zero proof that they desire a nuclear weapon. They have every right to nuclear energy. They have obeyed all of the protocols set fourth by the IAEA. Look at the disaster Iraq and Afghanistan have been. If you hate Iran and want war with Iran you are definately a brainwashed pawn of the MSM ,Conservative talk radio, or a brainwashed Christian fanatic, or maybe a Jewish fanatic.