Iphone or iPod touch porn movies?

anyone know of any porn site that have free movies that work on iPod or iphone?


You can go to almost any site that hosts there own videos.

You can just download the videos using real player. All you have to do after you download it is change it to MP4 if it isn't already.

Just pm me if you need anymore help.

blue ballz 22

Closed Account
I've been wondering that myself lebron. I have an iphone and can't find any. I googled it but only found small tease movies.
You can go to almost any site that hosts there own videos.

You can just download the videos using real player. All you have to do after you download it is change it to MP4 if it isn't already.

Just pm me if you need anymore help.

could we trouble you for a short "how to"? is freeones an example of a site you could transfer vids from?
You need to get the movies into .3gp format for your iphone's Quicktime to read the file. The regular quicktime application will let you open a movie and export(File-Export) it into the .3GP format. You then just have to get it to your iphone so you can watch it. That's one way to get porn on your iphone.


IPhone SUCK...

now, with that out of the way... there are many free programs that will convert any format into any other format, they are generally called encoders or transcoders. i have listed some of them here:


if you've never done this before i recommend you start out with SUPER, it's virtually idiot proof and works quickly.


could we trouble you for a short "how to"? is freeones an example of a site you could transfer vids from?

Tube Tilla is very easy to use and it will change the format to MP4 for your Itouch. It does 1 video at a time if you use the free version. I would not pay for it.

Just make sure you know where you saved them and then just transfer them to Itunes. It's very simple to do.

Edit - Tube Tilla only works for youtube videos. Let me find the other one I use.


Ignore what I said above. That is to do youtube videos.

I use the media coder Itouch/Iphone free edition first. You Might need the dvdshrink 3.2, this is used if your taking it off the DVD you have purchased. If it's on your computer though all you need to do is change it to mpeg4 format.


Good video to help walk you through it. It explains the two programs and how to use them. I can help you out if you can't figure it out yourself. I do this all the time.