iPhone garbage


Official Checked Star Member
It's quite possible this is the worst cellphone app ever. One wrong click and you're out $100.



Was King of the Board for a Day
I think the Iphone (or any other smartphone for that matter) is garbage, so am I ahead of the curve?


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Goldmine for Nintendo.

Ari Dee

Official Checked Star Member
Most of the apps on my iPhone prompt me for my apple password when I buy an app or app add-ons BUT they don't if you've already recently downloaded/ purchased something.
So I play a bunch of stupid, free games and a lot of them have crazy $$$ add-ons that make me nervous to accidentally click.

Last time I had an iPhone the add-ons in games were like 99 cents, now with my new one they seem to have so many crazy expensive ones! $99 at a click of a button? Fuck that.
I'm sure some people do it knowingly and it's mind baffling. They aren't even cool perks like unlimited lives, etc. Instead it's like get 1000 bullshit coins for $99 real dollars.
fuck you guys.

I love my iphone!


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
You don't get games like MGS4, Uncharted or God of War on a smart phone though.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
I don't hate on Mobile Gamers, my mother is one, but if you're gonna play games it should be either on a PC or a console, but that's only the opinion of an PSX child.