Intestinal Cleansing Programs...

Have you ever considered simply going on a fast for a couple days? I've done it before and came out of it feeling great. Its interesting to note that virtually every culture on the planet incorporates a regular ritual fast... except for the modern West. So it certainly has the weight of tradition behind it.

There are a couple different ways to do one:
1) A 48 hour strict fast of nothing but water.
2) A 3-4 day fast of nothing but whole grain bread and water.
3) A 1-2 week fast of nothing but fresh fruits/vegetables, whole grain bread, and water.

I've only ever done the first one, but I've known people who have done the other two. They all say that the key is to eat truly whole grain bread and the freshest organic vegetables, as opposed to commercial breads (that are pumped full of preservatives) and commercial fruits/vegetables (that are covered in pesticides). Might be something to consider.
The Fasting idea does sound pretty good to a fitness incorporation element and to rid my body of all the SHIT that I put into it.

I just wish it were easier (and cheaper) to eat better in this country. Organic fruits/veges and real bread = $$$


My diet consists of mostly protein with fruit. You need to get MORE fiber in your diet though if you eat protein.

-Protein- (examples)
Cottage Cheese
Lean meats 95/5

-Carbohydrates- (examples)
75% complex carbohydrates (complex carbohydrates are what you want more of)
25% normal carbohydrates

Fruits & Vegies
Bananas (high in carbohydrates though)
Apples (good for the morning if you want energy)

If you want a good natural colon cleansing guide. Use this one I do.
Works well a few hours before a weigh in.
The Fasting idea does sound pretty good to a fitness incorporation element and to rid my body of all the SHIT that I put into it.

I just wish it were easier (and cheaper) to eat better in this country. Organic fruits/veges and real bread = $$$

truth. its way too expensive.
You could always try the old stand by, getting the goddamn flu. The hidden bonus is you wind up cleansing both ends at the same time:thumbsup:


I have a "crazy" friend that recently decided to go off her psychiatric meds and take some of that super-system cleanser stuff. I dunno, she seems to be about the same to me.

So, the meds are the "better value" (?) :tongue:

What product is best for it's scouring action ?
Gotta have the scouring action . . gotta !
The Fasting idea does sound pretty good to a fitness incorporation element and to rid my body of all the SHIT that I put into it.

I just wish it were easier (and cheaper) to eat better in this country. Organic fruits/veges and real bread = $$$

Absolutely. However, for a week or two, its probably not any more expensive than buying a bottle of pills that may or may not do jackshit.

As a side note on the dilemma of REAL food, I highly recommend the book In Defense of Food by Michael Pollan. He's a columnist for the New York Times who has done some fascinating research into the practices and politics of the food industry.