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Interracial couples are no big deal, what world do you guys live in?

I'm surprised you didn't mention the evil white imperialist Brits introduced the caste system to India while they occupied it. :cool:

Nah Britain fucked India up in a different way by creating the muslim countries of East Pakistan and West Pakistan (miles apart :facepalm:) and also the secular India. So whilst everyone had been living amongst each other in relative calm you now had all the muslims scurrying to leave India to head to muslim Pakistan whilst the Sikhs, Hindus and Christians who were living in what was the newly formed muslim Pakistan wanted to leave for secular India and as these groups crossed each other they clashed leaving more than a million dead. The Sikhs were screwed over the most as they were promised a sikh homeland in the punjab called Khalistan if they helped Britain in WW2, many sikhs died fighting the germans in europe and japanese in asia and Britain went back on its promise. Then out of sheer bitterness of having to relinquish India they drew the Kashmir border where they new the newly formed countries of India and Pakistan would fight over for many years to come which they have done. And although the British never introduced the caste system to India they sure as hell used it to their advantage to maintain control of the region, the've also segregated people in Northern Ireland, israel/palestine, cyprus, nigeria and the sudan in a policy which is known as divide and rule/conquer. It's simply easier for a colonial power to control a divided population than one that may unite together. Of course these were the actions of colonial Britain and the only way they could maintain an empire as large as she had and does not reflect the Britain of today in any way shape or form



I don't know who introduced it but I know it's fucked up. I love my dark skin ladies. And the light ones too. :D

Caste aint really to do with colour but goes back to what occupation people did in their homeland. The upper castes were loke landowners or leaders etc, the middle classes were the skilled/manual labourers whilst the lower castes were obviously the poor. Unlike the western system where you can change your class through better education or a more professional job those that believe in the caste say you stay in the same one forever, it started in hinduism and the sikhs who were formed out of the hindu religion took this nonsense with them despite the fact that sikhism lists equality as a core element. What's worse is asians in the west still believe in it yet there are no such things as landowners or farm labourers which these castes were asssociated with and people simply use it to put other down, it's simply a system of control and still in india lower caste kids are deprived an education to keep them dumb and keep them poor. The skin tone thing is just a shitty asian belief that looking whiter is more beautiful but again it's mainly the older generation that believe this whilst the younsters just look at the bodies now :D
So obviously people are tired of my race threads, I will make yet another one because I could care less.

Just what world do you guys live in? A fantasy one?

Look people we can talk all we want about how "progressive" society is and how "far" we have come but we have really not come that far. Just 1 week ago I was eating my lunch and a Black guy - White girl couple finished their lunch, they were sitting behind me. People were looking in their direction and everything, I didn't know what the fuss was. When the couple left people were saying things like "she must be wasted goods" and "first time I seen a n*gger with a White girl who wasn't fat".

I heard it all. Wanna know something funnier? The area I live in is progressive, goes for the Democrat party nearly every election.

It seems that wherever I go there are always dummies stirring stuff up. One time a Korean guy walked into a bar with his White girlfriend and most White guys were shouting out racist things like there was no tomorrow. I heard small penis jokes and everything of the sort and this was in NYC.

I go out into the real world, A LOT, I post on here like maybe 5 posts a day at most.

Sure, I would LOVE IT if the world really thought like that but people are apparently SHOCKED that we view everyone as a race group and that there are people out there in large numbers who hate interracial dating.

Interracial couples no big deal? What area do you guys live in? Because maybe I should visit that area.

The truth is that you are another anti-White racist with a fetish for White chicks. To put it more precisely you are anti-White MALE and your view of White women is that they're objects to be conquered, not all that much different to how you view other women.

You are projecting your hatred towards Whites onto them. That's why you see racism everywhere you go and come on here to spread b.s. and lies about Whites. You come here to vent and to try and spread your b.s.

The final truth is that some white guys are knocking up your sisters and cousins as we speak and there's nothing you will do about it because you're a punk. Have a bad new year.:cthulhu:
What did you expect? Whites are generally a pathetic race.


IMHO this comment shows a clear lack of respect and perhaps education, sir. You'll find large numbers of pathetic people across all the races. It's ignorant comments like this that help to keep the racism industry profitable. :2 cents:


Closed Account
revamp is one ironic mofo!

he makes numerous threads crying fowl about racists white people yet his heritage has the most racist caste system on the planet.

arent you guys culturally obligated to suck up to people with lighter skin than yours?

im confused

You associate me with the negatives of my heritage? That is like me associating every White with the KKK and every Black with the Black panthers.


Closed Account
The truth is that you are another anti-White racist with a fetish for White chicks. To put it more precisely you are anti-White MALE and your view of White women is that they're objects to be conquered, not all that much different to how you view other women.

You are projecting your hatred towards Whites onto them. That's why you see racism everywhere you go and come on here to spread b.s. and lies about Whites. You come here to vent and to try and spread your b.s.

The final truth is that some white guys are knocking up your sisters and cousins as we speak and there's nothing you will do about it because you're a punk. Have a bad new year.:cthulhu:

I don't have a sister you moron and you are a White washed Indian.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
You associate me with the negatives of my heritage? That is like me associating every White with the KKK and every Black with the Black panthers.

Well, since you could pass for David Duke or Huey Newton in many of your posts... :dunno:

BTW, since you keep saying that BioDefenseGrad is an Indian (and he keeps saying that he's not), how do you know that? Have you ever met him or even seen a picture of him? No? OK, so how do you know???

Pardon me for saying so, but the reason that I get such a kick out of you is because you start so many race based threads and go on & on about race based issues so much, all the while calling out other people for being "racists", yet you are perhaps the worst offender that I've seen on this board since I've been here. And let's be even more honest: the only reason (IMO) that the mods are letting you get away with this foolishness is because you're claiming that you're a member of a disenfranchised minority group. In fact, we don't really know whether you're an Indian or not... just as you don't know the first thing about BioDefenseGrad's race or ethnicity.

A lot of us poke fun at each other here, or even get into heated debates/arguments from time to time. That's just what happens on forums. Hell, I've probably pissed off at least half the people on my "Friend's List" at one time or another. But you tend to go WAY over the line (and get away with it) more than anybody I've seen.

So you hang onto that "I'm a poor Indian victim of racial discrimination" crutch for as long as you can, amigo. But sooner than later, that crutch is going to wear thin and snap.


For the EMPEROR!!
To someone such as yourself these sorts of threads are meaningless, but to others who have to live with these sorts of issues day after day they're not.

What did you expect? Whites are generally a pathetic race.

Apart from the girls of course, since they're generally really easy. But white males are pathetic.

Wow so everyone else is the problem eh :facepalm: Well I'll leave you paragon's of virtue to it. That way you can bitch and scream all you want to each other :hatsoff:


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
What did you expect? Whites are generally a pathetic race. Apart from the girls of course, since they're generally really easy. But white males are pathetic.

What a punk. Watch American History X sometime, loser.

You associate me with the negatives of my heritage? That is like me associating every White with the KKK and every Black with the Black panthers.

Bawww. You incite racism with your idiotic posts and now cry foul when it's thrown back at you. Get the fuck over it.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
This thread is starting to become a little colourful, so I'm only going to post this once:

It is okay to disagree with each other, but do not make racist comments. Towards anyone - white, black, asian, anyone. Doing so will get this thread closed and the poster in serious trouble.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
I dont have a problem with it you love who you love no matter what color thier skin is

Well, yeah... I guess that's right. But it's just the way I was raised. I don't guess I mind if a Martian moves into my neighborhood, but I don't want one dating my sister! I ain't prejudiced or nuthin' though. Hell, some of my best friends got green skin.
I don't have a problem with it, but apparently a lot of people have a problem with white men liking white girls from the post on this board... :rolleyes:


Hiliary 2020
To someone such as yourself these sorts of threads are meaningless, but to others who have to live with these sorts of issues day after day they're not.

youre right, good point.

it must be really hard to go through life with a deep rooted racial animosity towards another race and to justify that animosity and disdain you look for anything and everything to find racism in them to justify your own hatred for them.

pretty sneaky sis.