I think the future of the internet is obviously this kind of speed, but will include a few more things.
1. regulation (I don't really want to go into this one.)
2. sign-ins (aka the death of anonimity) - Think about as a kid when you used to start a game like zelda and you had to put your name in. Well, the next game you wanted to play, you had to enter your name into that game as well. Not until the xbox 360, did someone finally wise up and have just 1 sign in so that you didn't have to enter your name/profile into every single game you played. You just auto-signed into your name when you turned on your 360 and boom the game knew who you were. The internet WILL be this way in a matter of time. Think about how often you have to enter your freaking name and password in. I have logins with gmail, yahoo, aol, youtube, hulu, freeones, 2 other forums, myspace, espn, etc, etc, etc. It gets really old entering in all these logins and remembering all these passwords. Firefox has already come up with a way to only sign in once. What I'm suggesting is that with the regulation of the internet (or grid), people will lose anonimity but will gain ease. No more signing in everywhere you go. The computer will be able to tell who you are.
3. Second Life 2.0 - Ever heard of Second Life the video game? It's basically a virtual world where people can use the game to do things they would do in normal life. You can shop for a car, buy real estate, zip around, etc. I think the future of the net will be lifelike avatars where once I'm "auto-signed in" as described in #2 above, people will know I'm online (like AIM). Instead of justing seeing a little icon that says "vidking is online" people will see me. If I come to freeones, then I'll literally see everyone else who is here currently. This will greatly increase communication which is ALWAYS where the internet heads.
Well, that's just a few of the ideas that I think are coming for the internet.