Internet could be made obsolete.

Will E Worm

Coming soon: superfast internet.

THE internet could soon be made obsolete. The scientists who pioneered it have now built a lightning-fast replacement capable of downloading entire feature films within seconds.

At speeds about 10,000 times faster than a typical broadband connection, “the grid” will be able to send the entire Rolling Stones back catalogue from Britain to Japan in less than two seconds.

Superfast net

Broadband is fast enough.
Broadband is fast enough.

It won't be when everyone else is on this new gear! Besides that, the original net wasn't designed for all the you-tubing, blogging, web-camming, and spamming that's clogging the arteries now. Some may have hoped, but I doubt anyone really knew how things would take off.

P.S I'm having a lot of trouble with this statement - "Cern - where Sir Tim Berners-Lee invented the web in 1989"
It won't be when everyone else is on this new gear! Besides that, the original net wasn't designed for all the you-tubing, blogging, web-camming, and spamming that's clogging the arteries now. Some may have hoped, but I doubt anyone really knew how things would take off.

P.S I'm having a lot of trouble with this statement - "Cern - where Sir Tim Berners-Lee invented the web in 1989"

What's you-tubing. Is that like, when *someone else* goes down the river? :hatsoff:



Postal Paranoiac
Ha! They said that about television. It's still around! :rolleyes:
Geeks: We're working on a program that can download porno 10,000 times faster!

Marge: Does anybody really need that much porno?

Homer: 10,000 times faster *drools*


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Just because the connection can send it that fast doesnt mean the hard drive can write it that that fast. ;)

Time to triple and quadruple the amount of RAM in every system? Perhaps. But if this comes to being, HD DVD wont be the only dead disc format. Streaming HD will beat blu ray just by fact of cheap delivery medium.

Will E Worm

It won't be when everyone else is on this new gear! in

What I was saying is that the net is fine the way it is. ;)

Just because the connection can send it that fast doesnt mean the hard drive can write it that that fast. ;)

I don't believe the hard drives can write even close to that fast.

Broadband is fast enough. People have short enough attention spans as it is. Why make it worse?
I think the future of the internet is obviously this kind of speed, but will include a few more things.
1. regulation (I don't really want to go into this one.)
2. sign-ins (aka the death of anonimity) - Think about as a kid when you used to start a game like zelda and you had to put your name in. Well, the next game you wanted to play, you had to enter your name into that game as well. Not until the xbox 360, did someone finally wise up and have just 1 sign in so that you didn't have to enter your name/profile into every single game you played. You just auto-signed into your name when you turned on your 360 and boom the game knew who you were. The internet WILL be this way in a matter of time. Think about how often you have to enter your freaking name and password in. I have logins with gmail, yahoo, aol, youtube, hulu, freeones, 2 other forums, myspace, espn, etc, etc, etc. It gets really old entering in all these logins and remembering all these passwords. Firefox has already come up with a way to only sign in once. What I'm suggesting is that with the regulation of the internet (or grid), people will lose anonimity but will gain ease. No more signing in everywhere you go. The computer will be able to tell who you are.
3. Second Life 2.0 - Ever heard of Second Life the video game? It's basically a virtual world where people can use the game to do things they would do in normal life. You can shop for a car, buy real estate, zip around, etc. I think the future of the net will be lifelike avatars where once I'm "auto-signed in" as described in #2 above, people will know I'm online (like AIM). Instead of justing seeing a little icon that says "vidking is online" people will see me. If I come to freeones, then I'll literally see everyone else who is here currently. This will greatly increase communication which is ALWAYS where the internet heads.

Well, that's just a few of the ideas that I think are coming for the internet.
From what I understand of the article, it's no new concepts, just a rebuilt internet using all state of the art equipment. It's really only showing what the actual net could do if there were no legacy equipment still being used.


Closed Account
I can't wait to getting started on it. For the work I do, I think it's amazing. The idea was conceived because of CERN and LHC with the amount of data produced. To stop bottlenecking and over consumption of power in the Geneva area, the grid is designed to spread the load throughout the academic networks.

For the work that I do which includes protein folding, this new grid can only speed things up unbelievably. In addition, HD video conferencing comes a step closer, so the business account for flight will be reduced to a large LCD screen and a HD cam to make it look like Japan is just the other side of a window.

People said the HDTV was excess, but then last night I was thinking that watching lost on the laptop could be better by HD-HDTV. Only thing will be the speed at which the information can be transmitted, received, stored and processed. For this, we need the grid and not broadband that sits on old wired technology. I know certain cable companies are already swapping their cables for coax to fibre optics in preparation.
3. Second Life 2.0 - Ever heard of Second Life the video game? It's basically a virtual world where people can use the game to do things they would do in normal life. You can shop for a car, buy real estate, zip around, etc. I think the future of the net will be lifelike avatars where once I'm "auto-signed in" as described in #2 above, people will know I'm online (like AIM). Instead of justing seeing a little icon that says "vidking is online" people will see me. If I come to freeones, then I'll literally see everyone else who is here currently. This will greatly increase communication which is ALWAYS where the internet heads.

Well, that's just a few of the ideas that I think are coming for the internet.

I know this game... scary! There's people making a fair bit of money out of it, and you can't escape the virtual pimps! I love your idea of freeones from that point-of-view, I imagine it as a huge 3D lobby where people are just milling around, rooms instead of threads.
I think phone lines are globally old or cannot carry out the data transfering process anymore. This grid uses electricity cables, i assume. I heard this news three years ago, a new type of internet that does not need any modem and phone lines. In 2006, a new experimental technology was examined in Japan, they downloaded a 2 GB movie in one and half seconds.

The major problem was the transmission of data in electricity cables in the form of light. Seems like they succeed in doing that.