As fucked up as the events of 9/11 were, it's even worse to consider that it was most likely an inside job. Our government did it. Buildings don't just implode like that. AND the fact that the world trade centers were built to withstand the force of a 747 crashing into them. They used this as a tool to convince the public that we need to go to war with Iraq. Fucking terrible that our government issued 3,000+ death sentances on it's own tax paying citizens...
I've stayed quiet until now. I know victims of the Towers who are alive and have had to deal with many years of counseling and therapy and many sleepless nights and countless nightmares. One fellow had his marriage break up, and he became a drunk. I also knew two firefighters who lost their lives on 9/11 and two people since dead because they worked on the cleanup and demolition work.
You are saying that the Bush admininstration has something to do with this tragedy??
You're mistaken and utterly clueless. Arab terrorists armed with boxcutters stormed the cockpits of these airplaines and took the planes over. They crashed these planes into these office buildings. Yes, there is evil in the world and his name was Osama bin Laden and his followers were called Al Qaeda.
The Towers imploded for one reason and that was the extreme heat of the burning jet fuel and the structures not being to withstand the tremendous impact. The way the planes came in basically cut the buildings in half. Also that hindered rescue attempts by the 343 firemen, police and rescue workers. They could not make it up the stairwells because the buildings were cut in half.
I bet you'd be changing what you are saying if you knew people who died there.